4 Ways to Boost Your Savings While You’re Stuck at Home

We’re all leading pretty different lives lately. We’re restricted with where we can go, whether or not we can work and who we can go and see. It’s not been easy, but we’re all adapting the best we can and crossing our fingers that things will go back to normal again soon. 

For many of us, being stuck at home has also meant a dramatic change in our spending habits. With many of us no longer spending cash on fuel to drive our cars or paying for public transport, our food shops are a little more modest due to restrictions on certain items and we’re not going out with family and friends for drinks and days out. 

Everyone seems to be benefiting from the lack of spending that’s come with lockdown – check out this budget calculator uk for some additional help with your money. 

However, as we don’t know how long these measures are going to be in place, it makes sense to encourage our savings to grow as much as possible, so here we’ll take a look at 4 ways to boost your savings while you’re stuck at home.

Be Wary of Online Shopping

Consider this. So, you’ve run out of copy paper – you head online to buy some more. But now you’re being bombarded with offers to buy more ink, a new printer, stationary and other things you’re worried you might need. It’s clever marketing but exercise caution. Continue with your low spending habits by only buying what you actually need! Don’t be tempted by offers, or fears that you might need something else. Keep that online cart as empty as possible.

Resist the Takeaways 

You’re stuck at home you might as well treat yourself, right? You’ll find that takeaway apps are really pushing for exposure during ad breaks and online ads. All you have to do is tap a few times on their app and your food will be with you within minutes. Don’t be tempted by convenience. A takeaway is a great treat once a week but be wary of undoing all your savings.

Put on a Sweater

It’s springtime, which means the evenings are still quite cool. Before you turn up the thermostat, put on a sweater or grab a blanket. It’ll keep your heating bills low and you’ll find you warm up again pretty quickly.

Buy in Bulk (Where Possible)

Shampoo, conditioner, dish soap, washing powder, even nappies and wipes. Where possible (and without stockpiling) consider buying these kinds of items in bulk to take advantage of the savings! 

Final Thoughts

Again, we really don’t know how long “Stay at Home” orders are going to be in place, so it makes sense to take a look at these 4 ways to boost your savings while you’re stuck at home.

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