Moving house can be a real headache. There are so many things to do and it is easy to forget or miss something important. The following list will help you reduce the hassle of moving by reminding you of the tasks that need to be done.
Step 1 – Start with the Big Stuff
Moving house can be a daunting task, and it is important to start with the big stuff first. This will make packing your belongings much easier and also ensure that you do not forget anything.
Here are some steps to help you with this:
1) Create a list of everything you own – not just furniture and clothes, but everything from the TV to the kettle.
2) Take photos or scan them and store them on your smartphone or laptop, so that you have a backup in case anything goes missing or is broken during the move. This is particularly important if you have to put an insurance claim with your removal firm.
3) Label all of your belongings with stickers or masking tape so that they are easy to find later on after moving house.

Step 2 – Cleaning Your Old Home and Your New Home
Cleaning your old home is not just about getting rid of the dust and dirt for the next people who will live there. It is a time for you to go through all the items that you have accumulated and decide if you are keeping them or getting rid.
If you are one of those people who love a decluttering session, this is a perfect time to do it! Start by going through all your clothes and see what pieces need some repairs, what you would like to donate or sell, and which pieces should stay with you.
It is important to make decisions on these things as soon as possible so that they don’t pile up and overwhelm you in future weeks.
When you get to your new home, even if it seems clean on the face of it, go over it again yourself. This way you can be sure it is cleaned to your standards.
Step 3 – Register Your New Address With The Relevant People
This can be a time-consuming and arduous task, but it is vital. You need to register your new address with your banks, schools, insurance companies, healthcare providers, and so on.
Depending on how far away you move, you may need to look for a new dental office, doctor, and the like. Do this ASAP, so that if you need the services, they are there. You should also look at redirecting your mail from your old address for a few months afterward, in case you miss anything important.
Step 4 – Get Utilities Set Up ASAP
When moving in, make sure you get in touch with your utility providers straight away. This will save a lot of time and stress! This includes electric, gas, internet, and telephone lines.
Do not forget to take meter readings, if appropriate from your old house before you leave and your new house right away.
Final Thoughts
While these tips do require an additional amount of work, it will cut out on the frustration of the entire move itself. Preparation is everything.