The Healthy Eater’s Guide to Visiting San Diego

San Diego is a world-class city. Millions visit every year to appreciate a number of attractions like the zoo and the beach, while others come for business. It can be hard to eat healthy when you’re traveling, especially in a foodie paradise like San Diego. Fortunately, there are also tons of healthy and delicious options in San Diego everyone will love. Here are some tips on how to make healthy food choices next time you’re in town.

Create a List of Restaurants You Know You Can Enjoy

Research the local restaurants so you know what they offer and look for restaurants that balance your priorities whether it’s dietary restrictions, price, cuisine, or location. Whether you love vegan food, organic local foods, or something else, create a list of restaurants that you know in advance are compatible with your diet, your food preferences, and the things you’d like to enjoy. Restaurant research is especially important for those following weight loss programs as you can plan your food choices ahead and enjoy eating out without derailing your diet. Don’t forget to put local farmers’ markets on this list since many of them offer the ultimate farm-to-table choices. These are a great place to stock up on novel, healthy snacks.

If in Doubt, Add Veggies

If you’re unsure of the calorie count of the dish or how healthy it is, there’s a simple solution – add vegetables. The fiber in the vegetables will help you feel full. Having a smaller portion of meat and pasta won’t feel like you’re eating less if you order a side salad, seasonal vegetables, or classics like steamed veggies.

Stick to Your Workout Routine

Traveling shouldn’t mean abandoning your exercise routine completely. Continue your routine while in the city so that you don’t have to fight to get back on track when you get home. While you might not be as strict while on vacation, there are fun ways to get your heart pumping especially in an activity city like San Diego. Explore the beautiful coastline on foot hiking along trails (there’s a trail for everyone), get your steps in as you walk through parks and various tourist attractions, and catch a outdoor workout in one of the city’s many beautiful parks.


Drink Responsibly

San Diego is home to hundreds of breweries and craft cocktails making it the perfect spot for a San Diego pub crawl. If you’re watching your weight, you’ll also want to be aware of what you drink. If you want to limit your calorie intake and still have fun, you can go for low-calorie options like a Vodka Soda, Gin & Tonic, or even champagne if you’re feeling fancy.

Stay Hydrated

One of the best ways to stay healthy is to stay hydrated, especially in a city like San Diego. So, make sure that you drink plenty of water, especially if you’re coming in the summer. And if you always carry water, you won’t be tempted to hit the vending machine for something less healthy. It would also be wise to bring some protein powder with you, so you can create your own protein drink whenever you need it.

It is possible to eat healthy while you’re traveling. In fact, San Diego offers more choices in this regard than much of the country.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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