It’s time for another weekly bump update! But, this time with a giveaway! Yaay! I’m so excited to share today’s post.
For starters, I’m almost out of my 26th week and just a few days away from my 27th week. Things are starting to get exciting knowing that we’ll be meeting our little ladybug soon. Every day is another day closer. (Happy Dance!)
Three Babies
It’s a little nerve-wracking sometimes when I think about the fact that I will have three babies (ok, not really all babies) and so spread apart in age. But, that’s okay. I would much rather have had it this way than having them all together around the same time. That might have been a bit much for the way that I am wired. Having them spread out allows me individual time with each of them and I don’t feel overwhelmed.

Long Days & Nights – Resort Stays
Anywho, this week has been alright. I was away for a leadership conference at a pretty nice resort towards the end of last week. You may have seen it on my Instagram feed.
The days were long, so my feet and legs stayed a bit swollen. I also ate a lot of things that I normally would not have eaten.
Outside of that, it was internally amazing because having some resort stays are on my vision board. Hello, manifestation!

Returning Home and Turning 26 Weeks
Once I returned home and went back to my normal routine, I started to feel a lot better. But, then on the day that I turned 26 weeks, things took a turn. I was sick as could be.
Once I walked into the house from work, I immediately laid down for the remainder of the night. I had a horrible back ache coupled with a headache and my stomach would just not allow me to eat much. It was the worse day of this pregnancy outside of the emergency procedure some weeks back. Thankfully, the following day, I felt much better, and the day after that was pretty good, as well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I was even able to head to Grafitti Alley and snag a few photos – just for this post!

The Giveaway with the Prego Expo!!
Speaking of manifestations, I am getting the opportunity to partner with the Prego Expo, as I explained in my 24 Week Bump Update that I passionately wanted to do! Yayy!
I’m so grateful for the opportunity!
So, here’s the giveaway! It’s easy and on Instagram.
One lucky parent will win General Admissions tickets to the Summer Virtual Prego Expo! The virtual shows are a great educational resource for parents of all kinds.
To Enter:
1. Follow @thepregoexpo & me @JustBrennonBlog
2. Comment by tagging a friend! (more tags = more entries)
3. Share to your story tagging @thepregoexpo for 5 extra entries! ”
That’s it! So, if you know someone who is interested, please send them the post!
Again, the General Admissions tickets are to the Prego Expo Summer Virtual event June 29th – July 1st.

Final Thoughts
While I do have more to share – such as a baby shopping haul from Burlington and creating a baby emergency bug-out bag, but I’ll save those for future posts and end here.
I hope you share the news about the Prego Expo and enter the giveaway!
Stay tuned for more updates and giveaway!