And, just like that, summer is gone and fall has arrived. So, instead of using this post to share what I’ve been wearing as the weather has slowly been changing, I want to share with you five books on personal development that I have read this summer and that are taking me into the fall season.
These books are a combination of my reading list from 2019 that I never made it around to until now, as well as some books that were recommended from a Bob Proctor video.
I’m so grateful to have the time to invest in personal growth and development because it reallys gives you a competitive edge in life. So, if you are feeling stuck or just want more out of life, I would highly recommend spending some time journaling your ideal life and reading some great books on how to improve.
In fact, in a motivational speech compilation that I was listening to this morning on the way to work, a young man said, people are poor because they read poor things. I agree. The knowledge is in the books.
Now, let’s jump into this list.
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
- 10 Habits of Highly Successful Women by Glynnis MacNicol and Rachel Sklar
- The Prosperity Bible by Napoleon Hill
- Primary Greatness by Stephen R. Covey
- you2 (You Squared) by Price Pritchett
If you are looking to change your life or “level up”, I would highly recommend reading a combination of these books.
If you are short on time, read As a Man Thinketh and you2. These books are short and cheap (under $10).
Also, if you have not started a personal library of high quality books to read, get started now. You can purchase books on Amazon and get them quickly, or you can buy cheap and used books from Thrift Books. I use both. You can also be on the lookout for these titles at thrift stores.
This post contains affiliate links to things I recommend.