8 Easy Tips for Visiting Your Local Boardwalk and Wetlands

A few weeks ago, we headed out to the Boardwalk and Wetlands after the boys were dismissed from school. It was a late Friday afternoon and I refused to go home and sit in the house bored.

So, instead we headed for the Boardwalk and Wetlands with ice cream cones in hand.

950 Feet Floating Boardwalk

We spent a little over an hour walking the 950 feet floating boardwalk (twice), picking flowers, rock pooling, and checking out the wildlife and all that nature has to offer.

But, be kind and try not to rock pool near the wildlife. Remember, it’s their home.

We even spent quite a bit of time climbing up the look-out tower and admiring the view from above. It’s definitely a neat thing to do, as long as no one is afraid of heights.

We had such an amazing time!

I don’t care how many times we go, it’s always a pleasant and relaxing way to spend an hour or two in nature.

It’s also an amazing way to ground yourself and practice mindfulness and concentration… a little something I learned while at the School of Metaphysics a few years back. You can learn more about Mindfulness with this book, Practicing Mindfulness.

But, enough about all of that.

Below are 8 Easy Tips for Visiting Your Local Boardwalk and Wetlands

  • Wear sunscreen. Personally, we like Banana Boat Sunscreen.
  • Bring a fun camera like the Canon IVY CLIQ that I’m currently crushing on.
  • Bring binoculars to spot interesting wildlife.
  • Watch your step and surroundings because snakes are often coiled up right along the boardwalk.
  • Make it fun and play a game. How about, “I spy…”
  • Make the day trip of it and bring a lunch. My friends and I actually had an Indian picnic and painted one day at the Boardwalk.
  • Leave no trace. But, apparently Alivia doesn’t know that.

Where is your local boardwalk located?

P.S. With Summer Solstice on the way, why not use the extra long day to check out your local boardwalk and wetlands?

Read more about our Boardwalk adventures with We Spy 3 Turtles and Muskrats, Turtles and Geese, Oh My!

This post contains affiliate links and was last updated 5/29/19.

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