6 Month Turn Around 11.13.20

Remember in my last What I’m Doing Now post, I talked about how I fell off the wagon in October and was now paying for it. Well, a wise woman realizes that she has fallen off, looks at the challenges in the face and gets to work on what needs to be done.

With that in mind, I realized I needed to focus a great deal on my health including weight and appearance. So, for starters, I adopted a new weight loss program called Noom. I’m still in the trial, as I have said multiple times, but I love it and have decided to roll with it. 

#NoomNerd #NoomNation I’m here for it!

I need this accountability. 

I need this weight loss. 

Gaining another pound is not and was absolutely not an option. 

Aside from the trial period, the plan that was prepared for me is laid out for six months in order for me to reach my goal weight. So, I’m down. Six months here I come. 

If you can relate to this and are interested, here is my referral link. If you use it, maybe they’ll put us in the same support group? Who knows?

The Financial Ebb and Flow

In addition to weight loss, I’m working on my finances (a whole damn lot). During the start of the pandemic, I just lost track of all budgeting, financial goals, etc. I was scared. I was confused. And, like many others stockpiling things we probably didn’t need that much of.

When I noticed that I had lost control, I signed up for a Money Mastery course with Jana Groscost. Jana Groscost is a life-long entrepreneur and Master Manifestor who facilitates the 9-week course on maximizing your financial, emotional and spiritual wealth. After signing up, I spent nine long weeks extremely committed to turning my financial life around.

Once the course ended, I learned a lot more about myself and money, but still had some work to do. So, instead of reading another book on the power of the mind or anything else, I decided to shift gears and read about women and finances. 

With this in mind, I turned to none other than Suze Orman.

This week I started reading her book, Women & Money. Oouuuueee. That book is golden. Easy to understand and digest, yet spares no feelings. In this book is A Plan to Save Yourself

And, what do you know? The plan is five months long… You may as well say six months; just in case I slip, slack, or need a redo on something. I mean, geez, we’re all human here and no one is perfect. 

Anywho…Are you seeing a six month pattern yet? If not, I’ll continue just a bit.

In the midst of these six month commitments, there are some other things in my life that have ironically been six month commitments, as well. 

I will tell you right now that the universe is telling me to sit still and go hard core for ME for the next six months. This is what these consistent six month commitments are telling me. 

What Now and Final Thoughts

Given this, I have decided to dedicate a series on the blog for the progress, just as I have with the What I’m Doing Now posts.

The difference is that I’ll only focus on progression updates in the 6 Month Turn Around. In the What I’m Doing Now, I’ll continue to talk about all the other stuff.

But, I have to be honest, there may not be a lot of other stuff, because really my focus is going into these six month commitments. Anything outside of that doesn’t really have a place in my life right now. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still do some occasional reviews, travel tips, etc. It just won’t be as often or hold as much space.

By the way, month one is happening now, in November. I am not waiting until the first of the year. Hell! That’s like six or so weeks away. And, I’m not wasting that kind of time!

Feel free to keep up with me in these post updates and leave comments. I’ve noticed through analytics, people actually enjoy the updates, as compared to some of the other content. 

This post contains a referral link to Noom and Amazon affiliate ad.

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