7 December Moments That We’re Creating

Happy Friday!

With December being such a magical time of the year, I want to share 7 December Moments That We’re Creating this year. So often, people tend to focus more on Christmas and the idea of materialistic gifts, but for us, I want to focus on creating lasting and tender memories.

What about you and your family?

Aside from the Christmas list and seven hours of frustrating holiday shopping, do you make time to decide what special moments you would like to experience and cherish?

For example, is there a special movie that you look forward to watching together or a family recipe that has been passed down for generations – like making and enjoying the Greek  Vasilopita?

My lovely penpal from Greece shared the tradition with me in her latest Christmas letter to me. I learn so much from my penpals.

Well, for us it has become a family tradition that we decorate a gingerbread house together during the holidays and decorate the tree, of course. But, we are also throwing in a few other intentional moments. Check them out below.

7 December Moments That We’re Creating

  • Decorate the window with window clings.
  • Decorate a gingerbread house together.
  • Bake homemade cookies together.
  • Sleep under the Christmas tree lights.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree together.
  • Take fun holiday pajama photos.
  • Saturday Day Trip Date: Philly Pretzel Factory & Solemn Oath Brewery Beer Tour

What are your December plans?


  1. December 9, 2017 / 9:38 AM

    We’ve got matching Pyjamas this year! Much to my husband’s complaints haha!

    You’re going to sleep under the lights too! Have you done it before?


  2. Brennon
    December 11, 2017 / 2:42 PM

    Hey there! We don’t have the pajamas yet, but we are getting them soon, Hopefully this weekend. And, we ususally sleep in the living room under the lights each year. It’s such a magical time of year. 🙂

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