My Book of Positive Aspects & What I’m Looking Forward to This Fall

I don’t know about you, but I am seriously looking forward to fall and all of the new beginnings that I can feel coming. I am ready to slow down a bit, enjoy life more offline, instead of online. Some how along the way, I got away from writing about my actual experiences, my goals, and some of the other things that are dear to me in exchange for several posts in partnership with various brands and companies.


“I need a little less online, and a little more in life.”

— Erin Loechner, Design for Mankind Credit Michelle Litvin for The New York Times


While I love and enjoy collaborating, sometimes it can become overwhelming and you miss out on writing about things that you are most passionate about.

So, my personal vow to myself this fall is to focus on moments that are important to me and realign myself with my personal goals. It has been interesting to me to re-read all that I have been writing about in my Book of Positive Aspects.

If you have never heard of it, it is based off of the book, The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks. In the teachings of Abraham, one of the tasks you are assigned with is to create a notebook called your Book of Positive Aspects. Everyday for 14 days, you are to write about life as you wish it to be instead of life as it is or life as it has been.

As of today, I am on Day 13.

Throughout this journey over the past days, I have been able to identify people, places, and things that no longer fit with the person I have become and am becoming. I am able to clearly identify more of what I truly want and also appreciate all that has already manifested within my life this far.

It is no accident that I am where I am in life.

For example, the white SUV that I drive was something that stayed on my vision board for almost a year with me making intentional steps daily to ensure that I had what I wanted.

Just Brennon has evolved into the site that it is today based on my weekly goals that I set for myself and the vision that I have for it. While I am realizing that there are things that need to be realigned, I am happy with my consistency and progression while working full-time and balancing a normal, everyday routine.

Furthermore, my boys are happy and healthy because them being happy and healthy has literally been a household goal for as long as I can remember. I want them to be healthy and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, I want them to be happy and enjoy their childhoods because we all know that we are adults way longer than we are children.

So, as fall rings in on Friday, September 22nd  just know that I am excited for new beginnings and that you should be too!

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