As I am writing this, know that week 35 flew by. Wow! During that week, it was filled with family and friends, my youngest son’s birthday festivities, and some minor nesting. Not to mention, some much-needed self-care such as a prenatal massage, some detox foot pads, and a foot mask that I picked up on a whim while grabbing some things at Target.
Read all the pregnancy bump updates on the blog!
Family and Friends, Fostering Relationships
As for friends and family, some of our family came into town due to unexpectedly losing our cousin. It was a sad reason to get together, but I am grateful to have been able to see my aunt, uncle, and cousin, whom I haven’t seen in years. I hadn’t yet shared the pregnancy news, so those were fun and interesting conversations. My uncle even ordered us some things from our registry right away – which was so nice.
I was also blessed with a Friday evening out with two of my best friends from high school. We have been talking for years about meeting up and having dinner, and it simply didn’t happen until I was in my 35th week.
It was so nice to sit down and see them in person and chat with them about all kinds of life events that have been happening over the years such as jobs, babies, relationships, moving, growing children, etc. While it was nice to catch up, we definitely learned that we don’t need to wait that long again before we meet up again in person.

Celebrating My 12-Year-Old’s Birthday
As for my youngest son, it was so fun celebrating his birthday day by day. It’s not something that we have done before but with so many things in transition right now, it made sense. He had already sent me his birthday list a month ago and shared with me some specifics that he would like such as having chocolate chip cookies instead of cake and El Paso Bold tacos – in addition to a list of gifts that he asked for.
I’m proud to say that I was able to deliver and he was so happy and grateful. In addition to just momming, I felt the need to love on him just a little bit harder as the baby is nearing arrival.

Intentional Self-Care
Lastly, I’m proud that I took self-care by the collar and intentionally did quite a bit from my usual routine. A few things that I did include getting the prenatal massage. It was much needed and ended in some energy work, as well which I greatly appreciated.
Aside from the prenatal massage, I’ve done a mask for my feet, in addition to a foot detox. I got my hair done and have removed the false nails and am just going with my natural nails and clear polish. I just do not like having nails with a new baby because I want to be gentle and not risk scratching the baby.
Final Thoughts
Aside from wading through contractions and patiently waiting on this little lady, that’s about all that’s been going on…aside from constantly ordering from Amazon. I’ll chat more about that in a later post.
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