Don’t Let Life Knock You Down

A few days ago, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across a post/meme with a quote from Jim Carey. In the post, Jim Carey was sipping a cup of coffee and the quote read something to this effect…

Every morning, I sip my coffee and look out at my garden, in appreciation, because in the blink of an eye, I know that I can lose it. 

Now, that is not the exact quote, I cannot find it, but that was the message. Basically, keep your mental health in tact and appreciate what you have because in the blink of an eye,  we could find that our lives are turned upside down. It can happen to the best of us, and often we don’t expect it, or even feel that we deserve what has happened. 

So, check out today’s post on four situations that you shouldn’t let get the best of you and how you can overcome them. 


Financial Struggles

Financial struggles are a big deal and can cause a lot of stress, as well as additional mental health issues. Therefore it’s important to take action to feel confident that you can improve your situation. 

Some examples of taking control of your situation may include reading books on financial literacy, creating a budget, asking for a promotion in work, searching for a higher paid position, and/or creating additional streams of income on the side such as with freelance work. 

Mental Health Worries 

Not having things under control or not feeling confident in many life changing situations can cause a variety of mental health issues and worries such as depression, anxiety, and even things like stress and panic attacks. 

So, to make sure you have more control of the situation, don’t go at it alone. Consider speaking with a professional for some therapy, or even speaking with a friend. If speaking to someone isn’t something that you want to do. Consider at least, reading a book for more understanding or to help you cope. 

Whatever you choose, never forget to seek medical advice if you are terribly worried. 


Failed Relationships

Failed relationships happen. For whatever reason, we have been conditioned to believe that everything should last forever; when in fact, many things don’t last forever, especially relationships.

These relationships could include marriages that end in divorce, friendships that end, or even work relationships that end.

What’s important is that you take a look at the relationship, consider all the lessons that you learned, be thankful for the adventure, and move on. 

Will the process hurt?

Absolutely. It may very well hurt, but you can work intentionally to move past the relationship and begin working to heal yourself and practicing more self-love to get you positioned for new relationships. Self-love is so important.

Unforeseen Accidents

Lastly, are unforeseen accidents. And, unfortunately this is a very real thing.  You can be driving on the road minding your own business, at work performing your job or walking through a hallway, and find that you are involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault. 

A car accident, or simply a  trip or fall can really stop your life in its tracks while you recover which will likely impact your circumstances financially. If this happens, get legal advice from a competent personal injury lawyer to find out if you could be owed compensation. Also, check for local agencies, churches, etc that may be willing to help in situations like this. 

Final Thoughts

It’s important to remember that in each of these situations, you don’t have to go at it alone. People are available to help, but you have to be willing to put your ego aside and ask for the help. 


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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