Four Ways to Feel Good About Your Body

The fashion and beauty industries have really done a number of women, haven’t they? When you are concentrating on your physical health, your mental health may take a beating because the more you are exposed to social media and over-photoshopped images of so-called perfect figures, the more it’s going to affect your mental health – and, we don’t want that. With this in mind, below are four ways to feel good about your body.

Stop Stressing Over Scales

As we move through life, our bodies will change. And, with a changing body comes changing weight. This is nothing to stress about, as long as you are doing your best to be as healthy as you can for your own body and its needs. 

Instead of stressing over the numbers on the scales, focus on what feels good. Buy the clothes that fit you regardless of the numbers, because vanity sizing is real.

While one department store may offer a pair of jeans in a size 12 that fit you perfectly, another department store may offer a different pair of jeans in a size 12 that don’t fit one bit. Be careful with this and try not to let it bother your self-esteem and mental health. 

Appreciate the Compliments That You Receive 

So many times, we receive compliments, but we don’t know how to accept them and appreciate them. Instead, we start navigating and dissecting the compliments which often leads to very unnecessary self-sabotage. Again, this is not something that we want. Instead, we should learn to feel good inside about the compliment, take it as face value, and appreciate it. 

Compliment Yourself Often

Just as you learn to appreciate the compliments of others, begin complimenting yourself. I’ve written before on this blog about a recent song by Mary J Blige called Good Morning, Gorgeous. I love that song. It has inspired me to tell myself, Good Morning, Gorgeous every morning that I wake and stand in front of the mirror.

Doing this has nothing to do with being full of yourself. It simply allows you time, first thing in the morning to look at yourself, compliment yourself and feel great about yourself before you move on through your day. 

Love Your Body

As you stand in the mirror, complimenting yourself, it’s also good practice to look at your body and appreciate it. Appreciate all that it does for you on a daily basis. So, often, we get caught up in the looks of our bodies and neglect to appreciate our bodies for moving us healthily throughout the day. Look at things from a different perspective and begin to love your body unconditionally regardless of what it looks like. 

Final Thoughts

While there are countless other ways to feel good about your body, these are some of the basics. However, if you feel that you are past these steps and want to consider light cosmetic treatments, those are available to you, as well. 

For example, some women may choose cosmetic procedures such as abdominoplasty, botox, or even submental liposuction. These are all different things that can be done to physically change your body if you feel that cosmetically enhancing your body will make you feel even better. Ultimately, it’s your body and your decision as to what makes you feel great in your own skin.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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