How To Make 2021 The Year Your Dreams Come True

How To Make 2021 The Year Your Dreams Come True

If you are anything like me, your New Year’s resolutions and vision boards may seem like something of a distant memory. This is due to the fact that too often, we set ourselves goals that are unrealistic or impossible to obtain – or because we face a step back and allow it to turn us away from them altogether. 

However, whenever we turn our back on our dreams and goals, it’s clear that we are standing in the way of our own success. As a result, it’s important to remember that dreams don’t have to stay dreams – you just have to be willing to put in the work required to turn them into a reality. 

As an example, four years ago, I started attending Cosmetology School for Esthetics. My goal was to have esthetics as an enjoyable part-time income that I was passionate about. 

I would go part-time after work and on the weekends. With the drive becoming too much and other issues with the course, I withdrew and put the idea on the back burner. 

But, guess what? This month I have picked everything up where I left off and began working on my new @JustBrennonBeauty Instagram account (see below) to coincide with everything that I learn and do with the program. And, in the fall or spring, I’ll be back enrolled in classes.

With this in mind, check out a few tips below that you can use to make 2021 YOUR year regardless of what you have or haven’t done so far! 

Break larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. 

Sometimes, we abandon goals because they seem to be too far out of our reach. However, this is not necessarily the case – it just means a change of perspective is in order. 

For example, if your goal for the end of the year is to have a certain amount of money in your savings account by the end of the year – try not to think of the lump sum as a whole. 

Instead, try to focus on putting a certain amount of money aside each week (even as little as $10). This makes the process more manageable, and you’ll soon watch the money build up. 

Put yourself out there. 

Dreams often come true when we allow ourselves to step outside of our comfort zone or trying something new. Therefore, you should aim to do at least one thing a week that makes you a little nervous. Think about it? What’s something that you can do new and different?

The more you throw yourself into new situations without overanalyzing them, the more confident you will feel. This means that you will soon feel prepared for anything and everything that comes your way. 

Find a career that you love. 

You will spend the vast majority of your day at work, meaning that you should at least enjoy it. As a result, it may be time to search for a new job, especially if you feel as though your current position is standing in the way of your personal and professional growth. 

For example, if you have always worked within the medical field, but want to start working with children, it might be time for you to find your perfect job in family medicine, which will allow you to put your knowledge to good use and have a truly positive impact on the lives of others. 

As a full-time Career Counselor, I work with career changers on a daily basis. You can do this!

Consider speaking to a life coach. 

If you want to make real changes in your life, but aren’t sure where to get started, then you may need a life coach. They could provide you with the insight and knowledge you need to enact real, lasting change into your life, whether you are switching to a new workout plan or changing your career.  

Final Thoughts

So, whether you have started and stopped or haven’t even started, just know that whatever your goal or goals are, you can do this! But, you have to believe in yourself and just get started!

Remember, whether you believe that you can or can’t, you’re absolutely right. Choose “you can”!

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