Quora, What’s a Blogger vs Influencer?

I read a lot of questions and answers on Quora. It gets really interesting sometimes. If you’ve never checked out the platform, definitely check it out. In the meantime, I’m going to share my own answer for, “What’s a Blogger vs Influencer?” with a little help from Name Tag Wizard. 

Thank you, Name Tag Wizard for helping me create this post with your Custom Acrylic Desk Plate, Premium Name Tag, and Photo ID. Your products have helped pull this answer together seamlessly.

What is a Blogger?

If you are unfamiliar with what a blogger is and does, let me explain. In a nutshell, a blogger is someone who writes quality content for a blog. Oftentimes, bloggers have a niche where they focus their work on a specific topic. 

Other times, they may write about life in general. These are usually your lifestyle bloggers. As an example, I consider myself to be a lifestyle blogger, as I write quality content focused on our lives with the goal to inspire others to live their best lives possible. 

As a blogger, I get to determine the type of content I want to create. In a sense, bloggers are very similar to freelancers. Just like a freelancer can work from home, or remotely, so can bloggers. Just like a freelancer chooses the work that he or she takes on, so does a blogger.

Hobby vs Professional

Bloggers can choose to blog as a hobby or blog professionally and earn income. For example, when I first started my journey as a blogger, it was a hobby. It was to simply document our lives as we started a new chapter in life. 

Soon after, I realized that blogging professionally could earn an income. From there, I learned as much as I could about blogging so that I could eventually earn an income from it. 

Once you decide to blog professionally, the world of blogging opens up to you and you can begin to work with other bloggers, influencers, companies, etc. 

For example, I remember my very first event as a professional blogger. It was the EZ Dis Media Event at Animal Kingdom Lodge in Orlando, Florida. This is where I learned how to work with brands. During the event, I networked with other bloggers and became a Disney Ambassador for the year with Instant Impressions. It was an amazing year! 

Quora, What’s a Blogger vs Influencer?

When you make the decision to blog beyond it being a hobby, it’s important that you have professional business cards to exchange, as well as wear a name tag so that you are easily identifiable. You want people to remember you and be able to access your blog quickly.

During the event, we all received swag bags and plain name tags. I really wish I had my tags from the name tag Wizard back then. I would have really stood out, especially with my QR code on my name tag which makes it easy for someone that I am networking with to quickly visit my site and bookmark it.

That’s what I love about the name tags and photo ids from Name Tag Wizard. They are easily customizable and professional. 

From just that one event, I leveled up to being an influencer.

What is an Influencer?

Once I became an ambassador for Instant Impression, my role increased to that of an influencer.  An influencer is a trusted source of information who has the power to influence people.

Therefore, I went from writing content and posting photos to being extremely mindful about the information I was putting out in regards to Instant Impressions. 

As an Ambassador, I wasn’t just sharing information, I was sharing important information to influence people to use Instant Impressions for their Disney services in exchange for commissions and monthly swag.

The final thing to note about influencers is that they are paid – either monetarily or with swag usually in the form of PR packages. 

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it; a few of my personal thoughts on, “What’s a Blogger vs Influencer?”  To learn more about the life of a blogger/influencer, feel free to check out Blogging Tips on the blog or check out your branding options form Name Tag Wizard.

This post is in partnership with Intellifluence. 

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