Rest Area Stops: Erie, Pennsylvania

I’ve contemplated writing this post for almost two years. I mean, there are snippets in my New York Travel Diary post, but there is not one dedicated post about Erie, Pennsylvania – until now. 

The reason why is because I don’t like to post a new state unless we’ve done something significant. But, after writing about a stop at Michigan’s Welcome Center, I decided to go back and write about this one, as well. 

As of now, I am declaring that beautiful and fascinating rest areas and welcome centers now count as a state visit for us – as long as we spend time there. 

Anyway, let me get back on the topic of visiting Erie. If you missed our New York travels, let me give you a bit of a recap. About two years ago, right before COVID, we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas in Buffalo, New York with my great aunt and her family. It was such a lovely, but short time. 

Getting to Erie, Pennsylvania

On our way from Illinois and through Ohio, we picked up Interstate 71 towards Erie, Pennsylvania. I knew I wanted to stop, especially when I saw their beautiful Pennsylvania state sign. The font used to spell Pennsylvania is just beautiful and is hands down, one of the cutest state signs I’ve ever seen. Not only is the font beautiful, but the message on the sign is lovely, as well. It says, “Pursue your happiness”. I love it!

Since I was in awe looking at the state sign, I clearly missed the opportunity to take a photo of it or with it. But, I knew a rest area or welcome center would appear soon – and, it did.

In fact, the rest area was called the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation located at Interstate 90 westbound in Erie County, just a half-mile west of the New York state line.

It was definitely something new for us. What I later learned was that the Dept. of Transportation was over these particular rest areas and that they had recently opened some new ones across the state – including this one.

It was really clean inside and offered a lot of information regarding things to do and explore while in the state. 

Final Thoughts and Returning to Pennsylvania

Although this was only a brief stop, one day, I plan to return to Pennsylvania to visit Randyland. Randyland is Pittsburgh’s Most Colorful Public Art. I love art installations – just like Seven Magic Mountains

When we do make that road trip, I’ll be ready to pull over and get a great photo of the sign. Until then, we’ll just make use of our rest area signage

Do you like stopping at rest areas and welcome centers?

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