A road trip is one of America’s favorite pastimes. While it can be tempting to just hop in the car and take off into the wild blue yonder, it helps to be prepared, especially when driving out of state. Here are a few things you should be aware of when leaving home for a road trip destination.
Take Essential Documentation
Before you go, make sure all your documentation is in order — that includes your valid ID, driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. If you have tickets to any events or attractions you plan to visit during your trip, try to have a hard copy of those items with you as well.
Use Mapping and Trip Planning Apps
Gone are the days of struggling with a paper map (either using it or folding it). These days, you can research your route, plan pit stops and impulse visits, anticipate road closures or detours, and otherwise avoid inconvenience. Some common apps include Waze, Roadtrippers, and the venerable Google Maps. Making use of travel apps can not only keep you from getting lost, but also help you make the most of your journey.
Check the Weather
Weather can vary wildly from one state to the next, and some states have unique weather hazards you might not have to worry about at home. If you’re traveling somewhere that’s prone to storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, or wildfires, check your weather app often to stay informed and up-to-date.

Prepare Your Vehicle
What’s everyone’s least favorite road trip story? Usually, it’s the one where you get a flat tire, run out of gas in the wrong place, or otherwise get stranded. If possible, get your car a comprehensive inspection and tune-up. Make sure your fluids such as oil, windshield wiper fluid, and gas are topped off.
Get Familiar With State Laws
If you’re driving out of state into unfamiliar territory, do your best to obey traffic laws — getting a traffic violation on your record can not only cost you money out of pocket, but also raise your insurance rates. In the state of Kentucky for example, even going down a one-way street can raise your insurance rates by 22% (numbers courtesy of The Zebra’s Ross Martin).
Be Prepared for Emergencies
One of the best ways to avoid trouble is to be ready for it. A spontaneous road trip can be a joyful and memorable experience — but you want it to be memorable for the right reasons. Before you go, pack an emergency kit with items like the following:
- Flashlight
- First aid supplies
- Jumper cables
- Water and snacks
- Blankets
- Medications for common issues like pain relief and digestive problems
Charge Your Devices
Finally, it’s worth remembering that so much of our lives revolve around smartphones and internet access these days that it’s vital to keep your devices as charged up as possible, just in case you need them while far from the nearest electrical outlet.