Some Things They Don’t Tell You About Being Pregnant

In today’s post, I’m thinking back on those pregnancy days and discussing some things they don’t tell you about being pregnant. Yes, pregnancy is wonderful and an experience you’ll never forget, but truthfully, there are lots of things that you’ll probably want to be aware of so that you can be a little better prepared for them when they happen to you. Read on now to find out more about what you need to know.

Heartburn is Very Common

One of the problems you can expect to experience when you’re pregnant is heartburn. It’s not a pleasant issue to be dealing with and many people get frustrated by it. It can make it more difficult to sleep, which is something that’s often difficult enough to begin with when you’re pregnant. 

Your Sense of Smell Might Grow Stronger

This isn’t necessarily a good or bad thing, but when you’re pregnant, you’ll experience a heightened sense of smell. You might be able to smell things far away that you would never have been to smell before. 

Some Women Experience Restless Leg Syndrome

There’s nothing to worry about if you notice that your legs are restless, especially at night when you’re in bed trying to sleep. It’s simply a sign that you might have restless leg syndrome. It’s not dangerous, however it can be a little frustrating because it can be pretty difficult to get to sleep at night.

You Might Experience Acne Breakouts 

Acne breakouts are one of those problems that many people don’t expect to experience when they’re pregnant, but it happens. It is simply due to your changing hormones, so be sure to drink water, eat healthy, and also adopt a great skin care routine. 

There’s Often a Lot of Hip Pain

It’s pretty common to experience hip pain as your body and its shape changes during pregnancy, so that’s something that you should be prepared for. If you experience hip pain during pregnancy, you’re not the only one. But there are treatments and exercises out there that can help to relieve that pain and make it easier to manage.

As you’ll likely be using a lot of pain relief medication, you might want to try a more natural option. CFAH regularly researches things like this and so their website is a useful resource if you’d like to learn more about natural pain relievers. 

Your Shoes Might Start to Feel a Little Tighter

Larger feet is another strange and unexpected one, but it’s one that you might want to be prepared for. Your shoes will start to feel a little tighter as fluids tend to pool towards the bottom of your body.  It’s not the worst thing in the world, but you might want to keep an eye on it if it causes you pain. It may also make sense to invest in some slightly bigger shoes.

Itchy Skin is Relatively Common

Another skin issue on top of the acne issues we discussed above is itchy skin. It’s something that lots of pregnant women experience and there are a couple of reasons for it. One reason is that your skin stretches when you’re pregnant and this can start to cause itchiness on the surface of the skin. To combat this, it’s important to stay moisturized and drink plenty of water. 

Your Body Might Start to Feel Like a Furnace

It’s not pleasant when you feel like your body is constantly overheating. So, consider taking steps such as wearing clothes that are light and airy and don’t put yourself in situations where you’ll feel even hotter. Making adaptations to your home can also help a lot as well.

Constipation Happens

Unfortunately, another impact associated with the muscle relaxing hormones in your body that we discussed earlier is constipation. This happens because your muscles can’t push the waste through your digestive system as easily, and as a result going to the toilet is a little more difficult than it usually would be. So, be sure that you’re getting enough fiber and fluids.

Final Thoughts 

Of course, none of this is meant to put you off the idea of having kids or getting pregnant because it will all be worth it in the end, that’s for sure. But it’s worth knowing what to expect and which changes you’re likely to experience throughout the timeline of your pregnancy. By knowing these things, nothing should come as a big surprise.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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