Surviving Weddings With Small Children

In keeping with the wedding theme, it’s time to discuss some of the guests that plan on attending; more specifically, children.

We know that getting together with friends and family is great fun and many couples will lay down the marker early and insist that wedding remains child-free; exactly what many parents want to hear.

But what happens when you need to take your young children with you as invited guests, part of the special day?

In this part of the wedding series, we take a look at some survival tips to taking your young children to a wedding and how to make them feel a part of the big day and avoid meltdowns.

Prep is Key

Children thrive in situations where they know what’s going on and what’s going to happen. While some are happy to roll with it, many children will struggle doing things that are new and where they’re not sure what’s going to happen next, so talking though some wedding logistics with your child is a great plan.

Have them tell you what they think will happen and gently guide them through the day, clearing up any misconceptions as you go. Allow them to get creative.

For example, they might like to draw what they think the bride and groom will look up or think of some songs that the DJ or the band might play, a band from, for example.

Bag It Up

Much like a long plane ride, having a series of things to keep your child amused is essential. Pair that up with a lot of snacks and you’ll be fine.

The main thing you want to focus on is getting through the service and speeches and then you’ll be able to relax a little. Make a mental note of where the nearest exit and toilets are should you need to make a sudden getaway and sit near to make your escape as unobtrusive as possible.

If you’re someone who has a strict routine, then loosen up a little. It’s going to be a late night and they’re going to be a little crabby the next day but they’ll catch up and return to their delightful selves in no time.

Make the focus enjoying a fun night together as a family.

Consider taking toys and mini coloring books that can be brought out bit by bit and as a reward for good behavior. Make it a mixture of tried and trusted favorites, as well as some new, surprising toys that will keep their attention while the important bits are taking place. Perhaps, even taking a small ball, if there’s some outside space for them to play and roam.

Final Thoughts

Weddings with small children can feel stressful and it’s likely that nap times are going to get shelved or at least moved but it’s not the end of the world. Take a deep breath, get organized and get your wedding game face on.

With a mix of planning and preparation, you’ll have a great day and enjoy celebrating two people in love as well as enjoying time together as a family. Just make sure you’ve got a bag big enough for all the extra toys and games!

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