The Benefits of Keeping a Record of Every Memory

Memories are a magical thing and it’s so important to document them. In an article I wrote on News Break this past week, the biggest take away was the importance of documenting your memories.

Whether it’s a family vacation, milestone birthday party, or even just a night in front of the TV, there is the potential to make memories in every aspect of our lives. 

This is why it’s so important to keep records of every memory, even if these occasions don’t seem that special at the time. 

Your Memory Is Not as Strong as You Think It Is 

A lot of people pride themselves on having the best memory. However, no one’s memory is as strong as they think it is. This is why keeping a record of special events in your life is so beneficial. 

Even things as small as a ticket stub or a leaf you picked up off the ground can help to solidify that memory and make sure you remember if as clear as the day it happened whenever you look at it. 

It Gives You And Your Kids a Keepsake Of Big Moments 

If you’re someone who loves to look back on significant events in your life, keepsakes are your ticket. Keepsakes are especially useful if your kids were too young to remember them properly at the time. 

This is why MagnetStreets’ personalized birth announcements or taking photographs of their first vacation can be so wonderful for them. When they’re old enough, you can share these keepsakes with them, giving them something to look back on, even if they weren’t aware that it happened. 

In addition, you can use svgs to make your own memory or scrapbook. Did you know that people can find svg files for free at Design Bundles? 

You Can Use Them to Decorate the Home 

Memory records aren’t just supposed to be stored away in a box in the basement until and shifted from one home to another as you move through life. In some cases, you can use them to decorate the home whether all-year-round or during the festive season. 

You can even use the crafts your kids make at school to add some personality around the house, and there are also plenty of super fun holiday crafts to take out every year and decorate the home for the festive season.

There Are So Many Ways to Do It 

In the past, you only had a few ways to save memories. For example, you could write about them in a journal, draw a little sketch, or snap a photo. Even with these, it was difficult to really capture the moment

Now, you have so many ways to record memories that there is no excuse not to do it. You can pull your phone out at any moment and record a video or snap a photo. You can make quick notes on your phone to remind yourself to write about this day. 

Furthermore, blogs, social media, and more give you the chance to spread these memories around, and you can also ask friends to send you photos and videos they take, giving you an extensive library of the best days of your life. 

You Can See How Much You’ve Evolved

Self-growth is always something we should strive to achieve throughout our lives. But, if you don’t have a consistent record of how far you’ve come, it can be challenging to analyze how your life has improved throughout the years. 

Recording memories give you the chance to see how much you have evolved. You can look at where you were a year ago and compare it to now.

You can look back even further, even when you were at your lowest, and see how you were strong enough to overcome any hardships. This won’t just help you see how you’ve evolved, it will also prove to you how capable you are. 

It Helps You Look Back Fondly

Similarly, memories give you the chance to look back fondly on your life. We all have moments where we aren’t sure what to do or whether we have made the right choice. By having a concrete record of our lives, we can appreciate what we have even more. 

You Can Pass Them Down to Your Children 

The sad fact of life is that you won’t be here forever. However, by keeping a record of your memories, you can live on through your children and their children. Whether photographs, journals, or homemade items, you can pass your memories down to your children so they have something to remember you by. 

It Can Spark Inspiration 

If you’re someone who loves to create, whether through music, drawing, or writing, keeping a record of your fondest (and even not-so-fond) memories can serve as a spectacular source of inspiration when you’re stuck for ideas. 

Sometimes, all you need is a small trigger, whether this is an image, sound, or smell to ignite the creative flame that has been too low for too long. 

With this, you’re able to create something that honors your memories. Even if you only create for yourself, it increases the benefits of the memory and also gives it a new life that could lead to something special. 

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They Help You Make and Improve Connections 

Memories are such a powerful tool for creating and improving connections between you, family members, and friends. If you have a collection of memories in your notebooks or a box of keepsakes, you can use these to reminisce on happy times with those closest to you and have something to look back on. 

Besides this, keepsakes are also an excellent way to decrease the impact of dementia and Alzheimer’s. They can act as triggers that conjure up these memories, keeping the individual more connected to now. This will prevent significant issues in their life and could also help them remain as independent as possible even in old age. 

You Can Work Through Your Worries 

One of the biggest benefits of keeping memories is that it allows you to work through your worries. This is most effective when keeping a journal, as getting your thoughts and feelings out of your mind and onto paper makes them more tangible and helps you process them differently. 

Final Thoughts

If you want to make sure you commemorate as many happy moments in your life as possible, keeping a record of the memories is the best way to celebrate your life and the lives of those who have been closest to you for as long as you can remember. 


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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