What I’m Doing Now 4.8.21 – Interviews, Homeschool, Pampering

It’s no secret that I have taken a step back from blogging to handle life in the background. It’s been two months since my last “What I’m Doing Now” update. In my last update, I was sharing my need to wear my blue light glasses, as well as my constant decluttering project. I also talked about how my new handheld Hoover vacuum was right on time. Additionally, I shared a new Femme Luxe haul and some highlights of working with my new mentor.

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Since it’s been a few months, I thought it would be a great idea to pop in and give an update on what’s been going on behind the scenes. The internet world loves updates and I’m here for it! 

So, let’s jump right in!

What I'm Doing Now

Homeschool and Homeschool Field Trips

Homeschool is winding down. The boys are losing interest and so am I. We are ready for this to be over, but we still have a little more to cover before we call it quits. 

Some years ago, all I wanted to do was travel and homeschool my boys. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to do both, however they were just at different times in our lives. Most of our travel took place in 2017, while our homeschool efforts took place during the pandemic. 

While I am grateful for the time I have had to spend with my boys in this capacity, I’m truly ready to hand them back over to the school district. LOL. I have realized that my oys require peer social interaction and teacher instruction. I cannot provide that to them in a way that fits their social and learning styles. And, I’m okay with this. 

In the meantime, we have taken a few homeschool field trips to help supplement their learning and give them outside learning experiences. Two museums that we have visited include the American Sign Museum and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

The American Sign Museum was perfect for my older son who is learning about 2D and 3D art. While the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center was a great experience for us all. Both reviews are up on the blog if you are interested in learning more about what each museum has to offer.

What I'm Doing Now

This Interview and That Interview

Aside from spending time on homeschooling, I’ve been doing a lot of interviews lately. For work, I just finished sitting on a search committee and will be a part of another one very soon. 

Additionally, I have been interviewed twice. My first interview was a Zoom interview with Intellifluence regarding my style of blogging and my second interview was an audio Zoom interview with a local TV station covering how black history is being taught in our home, as it related to the new law being passed in Illinois required that black history be taught in K-12. 

My first interview was over in less than 10 minutes. I was extremely excited about it and had very high energy during the interview. From the moment I joined Intellifluence as an influencer, I always wondered how influencers were spotlighted. Well, now I know. 

My last interview was very touchy, as we talked about black history, why it should be taught and by whom. This is not typically a subject I talk much about, so it definitely took me a bit out of my comfort zone. But these are the moments that we grow. Wouldn’t you agree?

Pampering, Pampering and More Pampering!

With all of this work going on I’ve absolutely had to pamper myself and practice a lot of self care. So, I have been getting my nails and toes done lately which makes me feel amazing. 

In addition to this, I was invited to an online pampering session. I had no idea what to expect and then this huge box of goodies showed up to my door from the postman. The box is filled with facial masks, hand masks, a candle, a book, and some other wonderful spa goodies. The pampering session is this Saturday, so I can’t wait to experience how it goes. 

What I'm Doing Now

Cozy and Gorgeous Airbnbs

Lastly, I’ve been in a few Indianapolis Airbnbs. On the first occasion, it was to have some photos done. The Airbnb was so cozy and gorgeous. 

For starters, our photos were on location at the Indy Cottage, an Airbnb rental. According to Airbnb, “The Indy Cottage is a newly renovated home built in 1912!” Not only that, but this 

beautiful, two bedroom bungalow is located less than five minutes away from downtown Indianapolis and Mass Avenue. 

If you are unfamiliar with Mass Avenue, it is full of restaurants, bars, shops, and the newly renovated Bottleworks District. With this in mind, the Indy Cottage has been completely renovated for that luxury feel.

The only thing that I didn’t like about the experience was that I wasn’t able to get my hair done and so my hair naturally looked like a train wreck. Wonk! Wonk!

On my second Airbnb stay, however, my hair was done and all of my photos turned out quite nicely compared to the first ones. 

Final Thoughts

Well, that’s about it for now. What have you been up to?

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