If you have been around the blog, you may have picked up on my interest in CBD and hemp products. August 8th was National CBD Day. On that day, I gave a review of some hemp products that I use and an overview of what CBD Day was. After that, I posted a Beginner’s Guide to CBD. Feel free to check it out.
Today we are going to carry on with those posts and discuss a little bit about why softgels are the suggested means of taking CBD. Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts.
As a quick recap, cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant and can be delivered into the body in many different ways.
One such method is vaping delta 8 sativa cartridges, which is often preferred by smokers or those trying to quit smoking. Another popular method is by ingesting edibles, these do not last as long as other CBD products but are often favored by those with sensory taste issues.
However, for a method that is discreet, easy to take in, and readily absorbed by the body, it is suggested that people should opt for softgels. Because according to much of the research circulating, CBD softgels are just said to be much more comfortable on the stomach and easily ingested.

But, Why CBD?
For starters, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound and is an effective remedy to various ailments and injury-related problems. Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that regulates a number of body functions. This system is comprised of a network of receptors, and the body produces many cannabinoids to support itself.
CBD interacts indirectly with receptors in the endocannabinoid system and can be used to maintain overall wellness, offer pain relief, calm the body and mind, and promote concentration and focus.
It may help support joint and muscle function, support post workout recovery, and promote tranquility and internal balance. Cannabidiol has lower potential for side effects than most pain medications. This is why CBD gets highly recommended for conditions like pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

What are CBD softgels?
If you are unfamiliar with softgels, one should know that softgels bear some similarities to capsules such as how they are ingested. However, they feature a gelatin-based shell inside of which there is a liquid filling. CBD softgels contain cannabidiol as the active ingredient in liquid extract form.
The softgel is consumed orally and metabolized, and since it is in liquid form, the CBD is absorbed quickly by the lining of the stomach.
The effect of the softgel is felt much faster, and its efficiency makes it good for individuals who need long-lasting reliable relief from chronic symptoms. Other forms of CBD are available on https://berkshirecbd.com.
Furthermore, softgels are ideal for discreetly managing symptoms such as nausea or ongoing pain. They contain fewer active ingredients than tablets,so they are safer for the body better for individuals who have food allergies and sensitivities.

Benefits of CBD Softgels
So, what exactly are the benefits of CBD softgels? In short, they are a great solution for individuals who are concerned with discretion. CBD is a non- psychoactive component, so it has no ‘high’ effect, if you know what I mean.
Its effects are primarily associated with managing certain symptoms due to its impact on various parts of the body. In addition to this, softgels made with organically-derived gelatin offer a great advantage as the body can absorb the CBD products more easily and the bioavailability of the phyto-cannabinoids encapsulated is maintained.
Final Thoughts
To wrap this up, know that CBD softgels are rapid-acting and have no bad after-taste that is sometimes associated with some tablets. They are also easier to consume with or without water on an empty or full stomach, and are convenient; which is that they are user-friendly since the right amount for one serving is already figured out. There is no need for weighing or measuring, just have a CBD softgel and that’s it!
I am not a doctor, and as such cannot diagnose or treat any medical issues. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in partnership with their health care provider. This is purely an interest of mine.