November is National Life Writing Month. The month is dedicated to encouraging people to write about themselves and their lives as they have experienced it thus far. But, what if we took this concept and thought a little bit out of the box.
What if we took the time this month to write about not what we have been through, but what we want to create in the time we have left in this lifetime. Interesting perspective, or no? I believe it is.
So, in this post, I’m going to share a bit about why you should focus your attention to not only what you have experienced this lifetime, but what you can intentionally create and how.

Reflecting on Life
If you were to take a minute to reflect on all that you have been through in your lifetime. Would you be happy or sad? Would you think that life just happened to you? Or, would you think that you created the life that you have come to know as yours?
For me, I believe some of what I experienced early on is just shit that happened because I had no real plan. However, my life now is what I have created and overall I am content, and genuinely happy more than not.

You see, when I began to live a life of intentionality, the story changed and our quality of life improved. I was no longer living a life of stuff “just happening” to me and in my life.
The change began when I began to learn more about the law of attraction and how to control my thoughts instead of letting my thoughts control me. This is such a big deal.
Life began to get even better when I read, The Success Principles by Jack Canfield and created my own Personal Mission Statement for my life.

Our Lifebook Journey
But, then life began to get even better after I dedicated a month to creating my Lifebook.
As I created my Lifebook, I was drawn to areas of my life that needed tending to. One area that needed attention was my “end of life” plans which included my will. Although “end of life” plans are not included in the Masterclass, it is an area of life that I felt was needed in my Lifebook after the unexpected passing of my father this past April.
Enroll for free to take the Mindvalley Masterclass on Creating Your Extraordinary Life.

After making the decision to include my “end of life” plans in my Lifebook, I knew that I had to reevaluate my will.
Trust & Will
Earlier in the year, Trust & Will had a special that I jumped on. It was said that you could create your will easily and quickly. I had nothing to lose so I went ahead and created my will. In less than 30 minutes I was done and within a week, my will had been mailed to my home.
All that was left to do was to get it signed and notarized.

Final Thoughts
Since creating both my Lifebook and Will, I feel so much more in control of my life. I have a visual plan for the extraordinary life that I want to live and continuing living, as well as “end of life” plans in place for when that time comes.
Lastly, this post isn’t to sell you anything, although affiliate links are included. This is just to simply make you aware of living a life of intention instead of living a life of “shit happens”.
So, if something resonates with you; great. Take the information and apply it to your life. And, if it doesn’t, that’s okay, too.
This post contains affiliate links.