When my dad (a marine veteran) first approached me about camping at the beginning of last year, I initially told him, “no”. I told him that I was not going to sleep outside in a tent.
A few months later, he showed my little brother how to pitch a tent, set up a campsite, and invited us all to hang out (and, spend the night if we wanted). Most of the family went to hang out, but no one stayed overnight.
Nevertheless, that day in April, I fell in love with camping.
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I wanted my own tent, my own fishing poles, my own sleeping bag. I wanted it all! And, that’s what I did throughout the spring and summer months. I slowly purchased all of our tent camping basics including my huge (and now, awfully dirty) Mountain Trails Grand Pass Tent and began enjoying the beauty of the outdoors.
Kickapoo State Recreation Area
Even this past three-day weekend, we headed for our favorite campsite (Red Ear) at Kickapoo State Park. Kickapoo State Recreation Area is an Illinois state park that is open year-round and easily accessible from Interstate-74. We can easily get there in less than a half an hour.
If I had planned accordingly though, I would have taken advantage of camping at Mammoth Cave National Park because on Presidents’ Day admission to all National Parks was completely free! – Remember, we missed our day at Mammoth Cave National Park on our fall vacation?
So, anyway, during our camping trip over the weekend, I thought I would share with you…
11 Reasons Why I love Camping!
1. I love being outdoors (in nice weather). Don’t you?
2. I love being able to explore and try new adventures.
3. I love the challenge that camping presents, as well as learning something new.
4. I love the peace that comes with unplugging from life.
5. I love being able to spend time with my family.
6. I love coffee on the campfire in my blue, enamel, camping mug.
7. I love new recipes on the campfire, especially using my cast iron skillet and dutch oven.
8. I love trying out new camping gear and gadgets, especially if they are pink. I love my pink camping chair and igloo cooler.
For Christmas, all of my gifts to my loved ones were centered around camping. I purchased both of my little brothers these blue Quest tents. They are perfect if it is just one or two people and you want a quick and easy set-up. My brother set his up in no time! I tell you what. I am getting one. I wonder if they have it in pink? Probably not.

Tent Take Down
As much as I would like to be able to pitch my tent all by myself, I just cannot. I need a second person to stand in the middle and hold the poles steady for a brief second, so that I can stake the poles in the ground.
But, taking it down can easily be done with one person. I do it all the time in less than 10 minutes. The only thing that sucks is that the tent comes with no travel bag, so I use a large, plastic storage bag from Dollar Tree.
Dollar Tree has so many camping supplies that you can find for just $1.

Oh, and if you don’t use a tarp underneath your tent, it gets nasty. Taking down my tent was so messy Monday morning.
But, here is a quick tip.
If you don’t have a tarp, then grab a tablecloth from Dollar Tree. It will keep your tent a bit more dry and clean.

10. I love to see the excitement and happiness on my boys’ faces.
11. I love this cute, pink, and purple mushroom!

Final Thoughts and The Plan
I plan on framing the silly photo of my son and I (below), as well as this shot of the mushroom on my hike through White Oak Trail.
The mushroom was too cute to pass up and it gave me something else to take pictures of while on my hike through White Oak.
I always bring something whimsical camping, pink flamingos, mushrooms, whatever. It just makes it even more fun!