3 Ways to Protect Your Skin While Travelling

It can be difficult to keep up with your beauty regime whilst travelling, but at the same time, people spend a ton of money in their quest to remain looking young.  Aside from the obvious factors such as wearing sunscreen in order to protect from the sun’s damaging UV rays, there are three very simple things you can do to ensure you keep on top of your skin whilst travelling.

Indeed, you may have noticed that often it’s when you’re travelling that your skin starts to play up, in the sense of common issues such as acne, psoriasis, and even dandruff; in fact many people don’t understand the causes of dandruff and see it as a hair condition rather than a skin condition.

The three suggestions below should help all skin conditions, as they are natural principles of good health – rather than some fancy ointment or cosmetic intervention.

See, the truth is, when it comes to aging, prevention is better than cure, and it’s important, particularly when travelling to be mindful of some of the factors that catalyse the aging process, such as smoking cigarettes, eating unhealthy food, or spending too much time in the sun.

Get More Sleep

Experts often recommend between six and nine hours sleep per night, and the term “beauty sleep” exists for a reason.  We all know how much a bad night’s sleep can affect our skin; the dark eyes along with the grey, dull, and lifeless complexion.  

If you’re a light sleeper you might want to try out hypnotherapy recordings or guided relaxation videos on YouTube, or invest in some good ear plugs that block the sound of snoring (perfect for planes and hotels with thin walls).

Nurture Your Skin

It’s important to moisturize and replenish our skin on a daily basis, particularly when out in the sun, in order to keep it soft and looking young, but a lot of expensive moisturizers are full of chemicals, and therefore it might be worth swapping these for a natural product such as aloe vera that will nourish your skin with nutrients rather than chemical fillers.

See, we tend to be overly dependent on the miracle promising cream to replenish our skin but no magical cream is going to solve our skin problems, as our skin is merely an external reflection of our internal biosphere – that takes into account hormones, diet, stress and emotion.  Therefore, if you want younger looking skin then you will need to treat your skin from the inside out by developing good health habits such as having a good diet, with plenty of water, rest, and exercise.

Drink Plenty of Water

Research shows that very few of us drink enough water, on a daily basis, which is alarming when drinking water is absolutely vital for the function of our organs.  With regard to our appearance, staying hydrated significantly helps our skin, as dehydration often leads to tired looking dull skin. In fact, one of the main causes for dark circles around your eyes is due to dehydration, just as much as a lack of sleep.

In Summary

Three ways to protect your skin whilst traveling including getting enough sleep, nurturing your skin, and drinking plenty of water. Don’t mess up your skin, be mindful and prepare.

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