5 Essential Nutrients Every Toddler Needs

Yesterday, our family spent the day at the hospital awaiting our mom’s procedure. In the midst of waiting, we headed down to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. As much as I wanted to choose a healthy meal, I didn’t. I chose something more comforting (chicken and dumplings). But, I was so happy to see that my sister in law didn’t fall into the trap with the girls and chose to stick with a yogurt and an apple for them.

As I sat there, so many things were going through my mind, but one thing stood out above others, which was proper nutrition for the girls. So, in today’s post, let’s cover the five essential nutrients every toddler needs.

Growing Bodies

As your toddler is growing, rapid changes occur in their bodies. To support these changes, it is important to provide them with a diet rich in nutrients. Young children need to eat the necessary nutrients for their bodies to grow in the proper way, so that they are able to avoid certain critical deficiencies that can be detrimental to their health.

Ensure that the daily calorie intake that your child takes is a balance between carbohydrates, proteins, and some fat. Also, be mindful in providing them with a full range of nutrients from a variety of food options such as those listed below.

Vitamin C           

Your toddler needs a healthy supply of vitamin C to protect them from sneezes and sniffles. It provides support to the immune system by fighting off germs and infections from the body.

When your child receives an injury, it is the nutrient responsible for speeding up the healing time. It also helps to strengthen the gums of your toddler and improve their brain functionality.

It’s important to provide your toddler with about 15 milligrams of the vitamin daily. But, if you have concerns,  don’t hesitate to consult a doctor to receive the best advice on how to go about it.


Your child will only develop a healthy set of bones and teeth if you provide them with a good supply of calcium. It is responsible for activating enzymes responsible for the conversion of food to energy.

If your child is between 1 and 3 years of age, a rule of thumb is to provide them with about 700 milligrams of calcium every day. The amount will increase as they continue to age. As you consider options for calcium, consider dairy products such as milk and yogurt – like the girls enjoyed at the hospital.


Carbohydrates are the nutrient that gives your toddler a boost of energy and helps them keep active. Babies need a specific amount of carbohydrate to help their brains grow and develop as well as strengthen their body muscles. 

An excellent way to introduce the nutrient to your toddler is through maltodextrin in baby formula. Maltodextrin is a derivative from starch that provides a child with calories. If this is not something that you are interested in, consult your doctor and do your own research so that you are able to choose alternatives that are more fitting. 


Your toddler requires about 6.9 milligrams of iron per day. It has a role in the development of your child’s brain as well as the formation of hemoglobin. The amount of iron your child requires as they grow is five times more than that of adults. 

However, more than half the number of toddlers do not get the necessary amounts in their diets – which results in the risk of getting anemia.

Final Thoughts

While this is only a short list, there are plenty of other nutrients that your toddler requires to grow and live a healthy life. Others include but are not limited to proteins, zinc, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, B, D, and E. 

You can guarantee that your children will receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins if you provide them with a well-balanced diet. 

P.S. And, don’t forget to continue to stay mindful of needed nutrients when you travel with your kids.

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