In my last What I’m Doing Now update, I chatted about being in the midst of interviews. Well, guess what? I scored an awesome new position at another community college. I’m super pumped to start a new chapter in my life.
This new position has brought about the opportunity for more creativity, increased income, and the opportunity to learn a new skill set. In addition to this, I got what I asked for in terms of a new director.
When I began my search for new employment, I asked the Universe for a director who was more educated than I so that I could learn from him or her. I asked for the director to be a mentor to me, confident, and have a solid foundation of self, so that there were no issues later regarding insecurities and such.
Finally, I asked for a director who took their daily appearance seriously and was open to open communication. All of this, I received in my new director. So, I’m pretty excited to see how the coming year unfolds.
My last hope with this is that COVID-19 doesn’t stop me from getting started. With so many things being cancelled due to the coronavirus, I’m just hoping we can continue to work and be paid. No one wants to live in a mass of uncertainty.

My Lifebook
On another note, I’ve been continuing to work through my Lifebook, making sure that things are accomplished. Areas that I have been focused on over the past few weeks have been to continue practicing self care, secure a new position, and look further into experiences that I would like to enjoy, such as visiting Paris, France and completing my travels on Route 66.
Sign up now for the Free Mindvalley Lifebook Masterclass.

Paris, France
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to visit Paris, France. Back in high school, my foreign language of choice was French. During that time, I was given a new name in French class, Caroline and spent the next four semesters learning the language and culture. It was such a beautiful experience.
After I graduated high school, I continued to have aspirations for visiting Paris. Not knowing how it would happen, I simply continued to study the language in my spare time on a French cassette tape.
Some years later, into my studies at Illinois State University, I received a scholarship to spend a week in Hollywood becoming a makeup artist at JLS Makeup School. During my stay at the Hostel Orbit – which is now closed, I met a student completing her internship. And, guess where she was from? London, France.
During our time together that week, she would tell me about the country which made me even more excited to visit. Once my time was up in Hollywood, I returned to the midwest, but Althia and I continued to keep in touch to this – even to this day on social media.
Years passed. Life happened. And, still never made it. However, in 2014, when I sat down to do my vision board for the year, I made a commitment to get my passport, so that one barrier had been removed.

After receiving my passport, Paris still never happened, but continued to be on the Travel Bucket List and more recently, you can find it in my Lifebook.
But, now that I am walking into a better position in life and have my passport, it is time to stop playing and make travel plans to get there (big sigh to COVID-19), especially since my aunt has gotten me really hyped up with her recent trip to Paris.
She visited during Valentine’s Day weekend and sent me tons of photos and tons of goodies from Paris including travel brochures and this Paris, France tote bag above. So, with her guidance, all of the information that she has sent to me, and my passport, it’s time to start planning my trip.

Riding Down Route 66 in Our Perfect Camper
But, until I can get that all sorted out, I still want to travel all of Route 66 in our camper (that we have not yet manifested) because securing the new position was more important.
Now, with the position in place though, riding down Route 66 in our perfect camper is becoming more and more of a reality.
Although, the plan since visiting the Route 66 Museum in Pontiac, Illinois, has been to travel Route 66 in a camper, there is another option pending which is a guided tour.
I never thought about there being a guided tour for Route 66 until I was at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show last month. While there, I met with a travel agent and discussed options for the adventure.
The guided tour that sounded the most fitting was through a company called Cosmos. The tour is 16 days from Chicago to Los Angeles beginning at $2,599.

Here’s my thing with this…
It’s only one way, which means I would have to fly back home. This is another cost. And, if I go with someone else, they too have to fork out $2,599. That’s quite a bit of cash when we can just drive ourselves there and back in about the same amount of time.
Not only that, but I really want to spend time on the Arizona route. It’s the longest stretch. So, I don’t know. It is definitely worth considering, but probably not going to be my option anytime soon, especially since I’m just starting the new gig. Besides, I’m still holding on to the vision of driving it in our own little camper.
Well, this post was longer than I expected and went into a totally different direction than I planned, so I am going to end this here.

Final Thoughts
Again, these past few weeks since my last What I’m Doing Now post has all been about putting in the necessary effort to manifest our desires – while staying safe and healthy from COVID-19.
What have you done this past week to help you get closer to your desired life, all while taking COVID-19 safety precautions?
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