5 Ways to Relax After a Busy Working Week

The list of what makes our stress levels shoot sky high is ultimately endless. While family, friends and social commitments are often the biggest stressors, a working week that was full of constant stresses, high stakes, pressure and tensions can easily top the list. You might think you don’t have the time to unwind and relax, the truth is you need to give your body and mind plenty of time to rest and recover so you can take on anything else that life throws at you! 

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In today’s modern world, it’s a lot easier said than done. But turning off all your push notifications, or simply logging out of all your social media apps can give you some much needed time away from a screen and the chance to rest. Social media never sleeps, which is why it’s often the first thing we check on a morning and the last thing we check at night before we go to sleep. Being alone with your own thoughts instead of the filtered images of friends and the famous, not forgetting the constant sales pitch from influencers who are always trying to sell you something – is good for your mental health! 

Work Out

Getting all hot and sweaty doesn’t sound very relaxing…but moving your body is a great way to relieve a lot of the stress you’ve got inside. It gets the blood flowing, and your heart pumping, it releases endorphins and helps to lower your blood pressure too. You don’t have to hit the gym or try an intense workout class. Go for a jog or a brisk walk around the block, take the dog for a walk or do some Yoga at home. 

Have an Uninterrupted Bath

There’s very little that cannot be cured by a long soak in a hot tub. There’s a reason why it’s referred to as a de-stressor – because it works! Choose a new bath bomb or some indulgent bubble bath, light some candles and enjoy a glass of wine. Try listening to a playlist or even a podcast while you relax.


It’s so easy to get caught up in the world of work and everything else that life throws our way. Sometimes, the opportunity to reconnect with those around us, is all we need to help relax and destress. Whether you give your mom a call and chat about your plans for the weekend or you cuddle up with your partner on the sofa and talk for hours, reconnecting will make you feel good!


Writing down your thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes and dreams can really help you connect with what’s causing you the most stress in your life. Not only can you identify the root causes of your anxiety, but you might also find that writing it all down, makes it seem much more manageable. Give it a try.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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