With everything going on in the world today such as a major increase in gas prices, supply chain shortages, baby formula shortages, etc. I knew I had to get to work on creating a baby emergency bug-out bag, just as I put together our family emergency bags and emergency tote a few months back. If you missed it, you can read all about those emergency bug-out bags here on the blog.
While our emergency bags are not yet 72-hour bags, they are good enough to keep us surviving in a short-term emergency situation from about 24-48 hours. My next goal is to get us larger bags from Five Below and turn what we have into 72-hour bags. Until then, we will just use what we have in addition to our emergency totes.
Now, that we have covered that, let’s jump into how I created our baby’s emergency bag for almost nothing.

Creating a Baby Emergency Bag for Free!
I know you are wondering how did you create your bag for free. Well, actually I spent $1.25 which was to get another backpack that matched ours that I picked up in Dollar Tree. Had I not spent the $1.25 on a Dollar Tree Jot backpack, the contents of the bag would have been free.
Let’s take a look at how.
To create our baby’s emergency bag, I simply used a combination of items from the various free gift registry bags that we received. In a previous post, I shared that we received a free gift registry bag from Amazon and Target. But, I also had one left over from last year from Buy Buy Baby.
Anything you would need for a diaper bag was in the free gift registry bags – except for formula and water. Some of the items included diapers, wipes, a bottle and pacifier, a onesie, a swaddle, gripe water, body wash, and lotion, etc. I’m so grateful to have been able to receive these bags.
Aside from adding in a few personal things that I already had such as an outfit, baby blanket, and a few other things; all that was missing was the formula.

Freebies from the Doctor’s Office
Well, while I was at the doctor’s office, they had a few complimentary cans of formula for patients. I kindly accepted one can in the brand that we would be using if breastfeeding didn’t work out. And, with water already being in the bags and tote, there was no need to worry about that.
And, well, boom! There you have it. The emergency bag has everything you would need in an overnight or 24-hour emergency for a baby for basically free!
The hope is that we will never need to use these bags for an emergency, however, I would rather have them and not need them than need them and not have them.
Wouldn’t you agree?
I don’t plan on letting anything in these bags go to waste, so I will continue to monitor them and rotate items as time passes.

Final Thoughts
With all of this in mind, my advice would be to continue living your life, but also be mindful and begin doing some small preparations, just in case.
Additional Things:
Mini Jot Backpacks $1.25 – Dollar Tree
Prepping doesn’t have to be expensive!
P.S. This post isn’t to make money from links or ads. It’s to simply show you how you can prepare on a small budget if SHTF.