Design Your Day Trip in 6 Steps – Free Worksheet

This is actually a What I’m Doing Now 05.29.20 post, but I have to disclose the free worksheet in the title.

Day Trip

Moving On…

There’s something about the Stay at Home orders being lifted that has given me a sense of life, again. While I don’t plan on rushing out into the mix, I can tell you that having the freedom to move about freely has made me feel a whole lot better about life

Today, I immediately wanted to get to the computer and blog. I also started brainstorming new places to explore that are outdoors. Although, we have entered Phase 3 and have the option to frequent businesses, again, doesn’t exactly mean that it’s safe to do so. So, anything that we choose to do, will mostly be outdoors. 

Read over 20 camping posts right now!

day trip

When I started blogging, my boys were very young and were very interested in a lot of the adventures that we experienced. Now, things are a little different. My oldest is entering high school and has no interest in adventures, photos, etc. Out of respect for his privacy, he will likely not be showing up much on the blog anymore, unless it’s a past post. 

My youngest on the other hand, is still all in. LOL. So, I am pretty sure, you will see some of him on some of these adventures and day trips. 

day trip

Upcoming Blog Transitions

Because of this, the blog has been and will be transitioning to include less family related content and more individual content from my personal perspective including solo or adult trips, clothing hauls such as those from Femme Luxe, weight loss, and personal development. I’m actually pretty excited about the coming transitions! 

Is there something else that you would like me to cover?

If so, please let me know in the comments. 

day trip

Buy Me a Coffee

Aside from all of this, I’ve started using “Buy Me a Coffee”. It’s basically a virtual tip jar for free content. So, each time I deliver a printable or something similar, you’ll see the coffee cup. If you choose to download, please consider becoming a supporter and buying me a cup of coffee. It would mean so much to me. Thank you in advance. 

Download today’s free printable. 

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

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