Garden TLC You Should Tackle Before Fall

Garden TLC You Should Tackle Before Fall

We’re heading out of spring, meaning that our gardens will mostly be done growing before too long. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t still cause a mess. Changing leaves and baring trees can cause plenty of problems, as can the pests that might be using the disheveled parts of your garden as a hiding spot. 

So, let’s take a look at a few tasks you should tackle before you ignore the garden throughout the fall and winter months.

Give the lawn and bushes one last go-over.

If you want a family-friendly garden throughout the whole year, then you need to take the time to make sure your lawn and bushes aren’t going to stay overgrown throughout fall and winter. 

They’re likely to start slowing down in growth as the weather gets colder, but you should keep an eye on everything to make sure that things aren’t getting too messy and out of control. 

Otherwise, the dense overgrowth can serve as the perfect cover for pests like mice that are aiming to get into your home and out of the cold. Remember that shorter lawns and tidy bushes don’t give those critters the same kind of hiding spaces.

Take care of your trees.

Those growing trees can pose just as much of a problem if you’re not careful. As the weather changes, they’re going to be losing their leaves, as well as branches during high winds – which can cause problems around your home and in your lawn.

Here’s how.

Long branches can give pests access to your home if they touch windows or the walls. So, be sure to handle any pest control issues before they arise by contacting a reputable local exterminator right away. For example, if you are in California, consider

Aside from pests, tree debris, such as falling leaves, can get stuck in your gutters. You don’t want this either. However, if this happens, be sure to contact professionals that clean gutters, such as Gutter Cleaning Cleveland.

And, if you’re likely to experience strong winds and storms, then tree branches can come off, doing serious damage to the home and potentially even nearby power lines. If you have trees around your home, consider working with an arborist to tidy things up before the weather changes.

Garden TLC You Should Tackle Before Fall

Don’t make it a loss to moss.

While the garden might grow more slowly in general, the increase of moisture in the air makes good conditions for a few things in particular; consider fungi and moss. 

Moss is more likely to be your issue, creeping from your soil and across your driveways and walkways in the garden. A good pressure washing might be all you need to blast this moss away.

However, if moss is taking root in your lawn, then you need to look at getting some combination grass seed and moss killer. This is better used in the spring, but if your summer weather is likely to last over the next month, it might be worth giving it a try now.

Bring your furniture in.

Lastly, care for your furniture. If your garden furniture isn’t suitable for taking the wind, rain, and all the weather changes that fall can bring in, then it’s time to put it in storage.

If putting it in storage is not an answer, then consider appropriate coverings, especially for your soft furniture. It’s important to keep them out of the moisture and dehumidify them so they’re crisp and dry for the next time you want to use them. Wouldn’t you agree?

Final Thoughts

With summer ending and fall just around the corner, it’s time to start being mindful of our gardens, especially if we have no plans for fall gardening. Because the truth is, if we fail to take care of your garden now, it can cause all sorts of issues over the coming months; and we really don’t want that. Now, do we?

Read more about fall family ideas right here on the blog. 


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