Revisiting My 2019 Goals

A Couple Days in the City

Happy Friday!

How often do we write out a list of goals and forget about them weeks later? It happens – and, happens often. But, today before I move forward with March happenings and any other future posts, I want to take a moment to reflect on the goals that I set for 2019. Why? Because the first quarter of the year is over as of March 31st. So, it’s time to reflect and make any adjustments needed to continue to move forward.

While, I am sharing my own personal experiences, I encourage you to take stock in your own lives. Revisit your own goals. And, if you have happen to set them down, go back and pick them up, and move forward. You can accomplish and manifest the things that you desire.

This post is a lengthy one, but it’s raw and authentic. Affiliate links are included.

Back in January, I wrote Goals & What to Expect in 2019. Based off of that post, I have listed below what I set out to do, as well as my progression, and/or challenges.

Let’s go.

Bring on the Beauty

One of the first things I wanted to accomplish was tiptoeing back into the health and beauty industry and creating a new blog for that area of my life. Well, that has all been happening, but I have also had to make some adjustments along the way. I won’t call this a setback. It’s something that I thought would be a good fit, but turned out not to be.

For example, I did create the beauty blog, but this month decided to let it go. It makes no sense for me to double my blog expenses by adding a new site, when really, those posts can be made right here. Do you agree?

Aside from this adjustment, however, major strides have been made. For example, I have been working with various companies doing Instagram and Amazon collaborations in the health and beauty industry, as well as completed my makeup artistry certificate in February from GlamLabs Makeup Studios in Chicago. Yayy!  You can read all about that experience in A Couple Days in the City.

A Couple Days in the City

Travel Goals

Speaking of that experience in the city, one of the things I wanted to adjust as we grow as a family is to limit our travel to once per month. And, so far it’s been working out pretty well. Have no worries though because you will still be getting fun, family travel inspiration on the blog! It just may not be as often as before due to me growing and shifting my focus a bit.

Personal Development, Manifestation and E-Books

Instead of investing so much of my time and energy on travel adventures, my intentions for 2019 were and are to use my resources more towards personal development and manifestation. Not only is it to continue to help me become a better person, but to also inspire, educate, and encourage others around me, as well as my blog audience and Instagram family.

As a side note, so far this year, I have completed the Bending Reality Masterclass with Vishen Lakhiani, author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms.

In addition, I have completely read Money, Manifestation & Miracles: A Guide to Transforming Women’s Relationships with Money by Meriflor Toneatto and Ten Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money: Spiritual Insights into Attaining Prosperity, Riches, Abundance, Wealth, and Affluence by James Goi Jr.just to name a few.

From this, my intentions were and are to share what I know for certain through E-books. And, I am proud to say that as of this month, I published my first 3 E-Books which include the following:

Based on comments and questions I have received over time on the blog and on my Instagam, I created each book to hone in on the topics talked about most. In each of the E-books, I have clearly communicated what I know for certain on each topic, along with plenty of activities and space to take your own notes. And, it’s all pretty attractively laid out! I’m impressed!

Ultimately, my hope is that people enjoy each E-book and find the information helpful and inspiring.

Blog Face Lift

Lastly, more than anything, I had been wanting to give my blog a face lift. The pink was killing me, just as well as that old photo in the pink. I felt like Pepto Bismol spilled terribly onto the site. LOL. So, after working with Tiffany from Beautiful Dawn Designs, we came up with a theme I am in love with! Thanks, Tiffany!

The only other thing that I need to work out is adding my search bar again. We need the search bar for easy access to past blog posts, ya know?!

Final Thoughts

All in all things are on track and it feels great because we are only three months into the year and things are manifesting beautifully. Everything that I have set out to do has been done. Yes, I had to make some adjustments along the way and I am sure there will be many more, and that’s okay. It’s one of the main reasons you should take some time out to revisit and reflect upon your goals. Wouldn’t you agree?

Moving forward, I want to (at minimum) maintain how things are, but increase my efforts in my overall health and well-being by putting in just as much time as I do into my blogging business.

What about you? Have you revisited your New Year goals? 

P.S. Do me a favor, please? Share this post with a friend and encourage them to revisit their goals, too.

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