Pros & Cons of Family Camping + Checklist

11 Reasons Why I Love Camping

It’s no doubt about it, camping season is here. And, I am totally looking forward to it because it’s relaxing, fun, and offers an opportunity for family bonding and learning new skills. Since, I have written a lot of content on the blog about camping, I wanted to do something different and give you a list of pros and cons as you consider family camping this season.

Tent Camping vs Cabin Camping

For starters, I think it is important to know your family and their preferences. Wouldn’t you agree? After several years of both, tent camping and cabin camping, it’s safe to say that our family enjoys cabin camping most of all. Sure, tent camping is fun, but our preferences lie with cabin camping.

What is your family’s camping style?

Go ahead and jot that down on a sheet of paper, so that you can begin making your own list of pros and cons, in addition to what I will be listing below.

Pros to Family Camping

Just as I mentioned earlier, camping can be relaxing, fun, and offer an opportunity for family bonding and learning new skills. But, there is more.

Consider the following (6) more pros to camping:

  • Camping can be less expensive than a vacation if planned out accordingly.
  • Camping can include your entire family, as well as pets.
  • Camping food options can be planned, prepared ahead of time, and healthy.
  • Camping can be done over the course of the weekend.
  • Camping sites can be reserved for affordable prices – often on any budget.
  • Camping can be an overnight experience or spread over an extended amount of time.

Cons to Family Camping

While camping has a wide range of pros aside from what I have listed in this post, there can also be cons to family camping, as well. For example, camping can be scary, especially for children or first timers. So, in my e-book, 7 Scariest Things about Camping with Kids, I have put together a few ideas + workbook planning pages to help  you plan and also curb the scariness that can take place while camping with kids.

Things to Take Cabin Camping (1)

Aside from purely being scared, there are other cons to consider such as the following:

  • Camping can be expensive, if you are not prepared and do not plan accordingly.
  • Camping activities can leave some family members feeling left out.
  • Camping food options can easily be high in calories, fats, and sugars.
  • Camping sites can be expensive and/or completely booked if you wait until the last minute to reserve a spot. Popular spots, especially beach spots are usually booked up months in advance and around the holidays.

Final Thoughts

While there are many more cons, I can list, I won’t because I do not want to deter you from camping. Each family knows what’s best for them. This post is only a fraction of the pros and cons from our personal camping experiences. My suggestion would be to continue to jot down your own pros and cons on the list you started earlier.

In the meantime, I have also put together a mini round up of four of my favorite camping posts from this blog. I hope you walk away with tons of camping inspiration! 

Feel free to share your own camping pros and cons in the comments and download the FREE Camping Checklist Pros vs Cons PDF right now.

Last Updated 3/29/19.

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