Influencer Spotlight

Happy National Lighthouse Day! + 5 Thoughts of Gratitude


Happy Monday!

Today is National Lighthouse Day! I bet you are thinking what in the world is that and how did that come about? Well, according to the National Day Calendar it is a legit day that is used to honor “the beacon of light that for hundreds of years symbolized safety and security for ships and boats at sea”.

But why should we care? That, I’m not too sure about.  But, what I am certain about is that I absolutely love admiring lighthouses. Last year, I searched online for hours searching for lighthouses in the state of Illinois that we could tour. However, at that time, it was off-peak season and no tours were being given. So, I put that thought aside for another time.

Lake Michigan

And, then this year rolled around and I added lighthouses to our things to do list as we journey throughout the United States. When it came time for our visit to Wisconsin, I searched Pinterest for d.a.y.s to come up with things to do in Milwaukee and came across the Milwaukee Pierhead Lighthouse. Once I saw that, I knew I wanted to be there and take in all of its beautiful scenery. And, indeed, it happened.

Ok, but the heck is a lighthouse?

According to the National Day Calendar, a lighthouse is “described as a tower, building or any other type of structure that is designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses and used as an aid to navigation for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways”.


Prior to our day trip to Milwaukee, the boys had never seen a lighthouse in person, so it was a pleasure for me to see how they reacted to being on the pier. At times they were relaxed and welcomed the cool air from Lake Michigan. At other times, they were loud and excited at the sight of the boats speeding by.

While there, people were mostly sightseeing and a few were fishing. I think it would have been a beautiful afternoon to have a picnic lunch right there on the pier, complete with a traditional, red and plaid, picnic blanket. We didn’t do it then, but it’s definitely something to add to a future bucket list.

Lighthouse Love Sign

Being there on the pier that gorgeous afternoon with the boys is certainly a moment I am grateful for …which leads me to my 5 Thoughts of Gratitude.

In this very moment, what are you thankful for?

I am thankful for having caring people in my life.

I am thankful to be able to have fun in my life. So, many times, we just seem to waddle through life without any fun, pleasure, and/or joy. So, it’s important to make sure fun is a part of your work-life balance.

I am thankful that my son is completely excited about his Superman themed birthday.

I am thankful for the blog collaborations I have this week. Last week was a really rough week for me and I was unable to get many of the things accomplished that I planned to, so I am thankful for those who were understanding during my difficult time.

I am thankful for my pen-pals. I have met some of the most beautiful souls since I have been adult pen-palling. I am looking forward to continuing to write back and forth and learn more about each other and the lives that we live around the world.

Cheers to National Lighthouse Day and all that we are thankful for!

Sail Boat

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