Last night I spent about an hour on Youtube on the FemineUniverse watching about three episodes of how to look pretty and polished, as well as boosting your confidence. Once I had watched the videos, I felt energized to get up and tend to my self-care which directly affects my confidence and appearance. Confidence and appearance work hand in hand.
A few things that I did included removing old polish on my nails and toes nails, filing them, and applying cuticle oil after a long warm shower – which included some exfoliating time, as well. As well as rubbing my legs and feet down with energizing lotion – which is a God send.
With this in mind, I would agree that most of us would want to be confident in our daily lives. After all, we all know about the many benefits that this can bring. Being naturally confident in your life means that you will much more easily get things done, that you will be able to organically appreciate yourself more, as well as many other benefits.
So the question becomes, “How does confidence and appearance work together so that you can fully show up well in your life?”

Figuring Out What You Want
As we have alluded to, the most important thing here is that you are fully aware of what you want your appearance to be like. As long as you’re aware of that, you should find that it’s a lot easier to look in a way that boosts your confidence.
If you are struggling to work out what you actually want, then you might want to consider whether there are any elements of your appearance that immediately strike you as not quite right for one thing or another.
Once you have done that, you can look for inspiration for your personal style. Taking the time to do this can be a great way to start collecting ideas about how to work on your appearance.
Keep in mind that this is not about trying to look a certain way to fit in with certain beauty standards or trends- it’s about being happy with your own appearance, in whatever way that might mean to you.
Understanding Fluctuating Self-Esteem
Throughout all of this, it’s important that you don’t try to develop endless confidence that never wavers. Why? Because this is not how it works, and it’s not realistic.
In truth, all of us have self-esteem and self-image which fluctuates, and you need to be prepared for yours to go up and down over time, too.
Take, for example, me.
Typically, I keep my confidence in check and my appearance up to par, but recently as my body is changing more in this ninth month of pregnancy, things are starting to waver some – which is what led me to watching the Feminine Universe on Youtube last night.
The fact is that if you expect your confidence and appearance to be stable and consistent at all times, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment in the long run.
So, what you can do is work on yourself so that you feel good about yourself as much as possible, but part of that will mean learning to accept that things will fluctuate over time. Just don’t give up.
Identifying Bodily Changes You Want To Make
In the times that we live in today, it is perfectly acceptable to want to make some bodily changes so that you can be happier and more satisfied with your own appearance. These changes can range from temporary enhancements to more permanent enhancements. Some may be quick and affordable, while others may take more time and be more costly.
Take, for example, some may want less invasive changes such as using whitening strips to whiten their teeth, while others may prefer more permanent changes, such as teardrop breast implants. Either is fine. It just depends on what you are choosing for yourself.
The important thing is that you clearly identify what you want to change and then find a way to bring it into existence. If you can do that, it’s going to mean that you will have the physical appearance you really want much sooner.

Working From The Inside Out
And, while working on your outside appearance is fantastic, there is something way more important than that. And, that’s working on your inside, your values, morals, character, qualities, etc.
Generally, you can achieve this by thinking about all of the good qualities that you have and that you are proud of, and then spending some time focusing on building those up even more. If you do this, you will soon find that you feel a lot better about yourself.
Another way to improve your self-image is to spend more time helping others. This has a way of making us all feel better about ourselves, and it’s amazing how magically this really can work.
In fact, you might find that you end up with a much healthier self-esteem which feeds into your self-image and improves your appreciation of your appearance, as well.

Keeping It All In Perspective
It’s important that you don’t overplay just how important your appearance is. After all, it really is just one aspect of you, and not necessarily the most important one. Although it can feed into how you view yourself, it’s not something to worry about too much, and you should certainly try to guard against any likelihood you may have of obsessing over it.
As long as you keep it in perspective in this way, you are going to find that you feel a lot better about yourself and that you don’t end up struggling with it too much. Wouldn’t you agree?
Final Thoughts
There is something to be said for balance here, of course. It’s not necessarily the best way to never think about your appearance, but you should try not to think about it too much, and when you do, make sure that you are kind about it. If you can do that, you’re going to be doing yourself a huge favor. And you’ll find that you are much happier in your daily life as a result of this approach.