How to Improve Your Smile with Smile Brilliant

Did you know that on average, smiling can extend your life by seven years?

But if you’re not happy with your smile, then you’re likely not smiling often at all. The good news is, you can turn that frown upside down by whitening your teeth. In fact, over the summer, I have been taking some time out for myself to whiten my teeth at home because I find myself smiling a whole lot more lately. Life is consistently moving in a positive direction, and I am so grateful. 

If you caught a few of the previous posts from my Oral Health Series, I explained that I had partnered with Smile Brilliant again because I enjoyed my first teeth whitening set so much. 

It’s Giveaway Time!

What I appreciate about Smile Brilliant is that they offer a giveaway! One lucky winner will receive their own teeth whitening kit to help them feel confident and smile more. 

Click here to enter the giveaway!

Now, let’s chat about a few more things regarding achieving a beautiful smile. 

A beautiful smile doesn’t necessarily require a huge investment in dental work, though these are great options. 

Improving a smile can be as simple as investing time in a more rigorous dental hygiene routine, such as investing in an ultrasonic electric toothbrush instead of a manual toothbrush and brushing regularly, flossing, and whitening your teeth.

Improve Your Smile 

Brushing your teeth twice per day removes built-up debris, bacteria, and plaque. It can also contribute to whiteness and can also help with bad breath odors.

Aside from brushing, some people often forget about flossing. In fact, Smile Brilliant recently launched a new product called the cariPRO™ Cordless Water Flosser which would be ideal for flossing. 

Flossing is another important part of dental hygiene. Floss can reach where your toothbrush cannot. Namely, between the teeth and under the gum line, where plaque can build up and lead to tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Whitening is Important, Too!

Next, considering whitening your teeth. Teeth can become stained or yellow for a number of reasons. This includes certain food and drinks (like coffee, wine, etc.), smoking, and even just aging. Whitening kits can help with this.

Additionally, visiting your dentist every six months is a key component of dental hygiene that’s often overlooked. Routine cleaning removes stains and tartar and reduces the risk of developing periodontal disease. 

Thoughts to Go

To sum it all up, start with simple things like flossing, brushing, whitening your teeth, and visiting your dentist regularly for a beautiful smile and to extend your life a bit longer.

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Visit other posts in this Oral Health Care Series here.

This post is in partnership with Smile Brilliant.

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