How to Step Up Your Style Game

How to Step Up Your Style Game

Clothes have become much more than just something we have to wear in the outside world. Since the second world war, they’ve been bona fide extensions of our personalities. And if we take ourselves in any way seriously, then that means we’ll want to put some effort into our style. We’ll want to look our best

Yet this, of course, isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. Even if we want to upgrade our style, we don’t always know how to do it! 

So, in this post, I’m sharing a few tips to help you get started with stepping up your style game.

Tweak Your Style

In all likelihood, your style at the moment is already pretty good, but maybe you want it to be better, or you want to try some new looks. But that doesn’t mean that you have to change everything about your outfits. It’s all about evolution, not revolution. 

With this in mind,a good starting point is to think about what you want to say with your outfits. Once you’ve decided the look you want to give. Write out a few looks or pin them to a new Pinterest Board. 

Simply start with what you have, mix things up, and slowly add a few new accessories along the way. This will definitely get you started and give you some new looks without breaking the bank or leaving you frustrated. 

How to Step Up Your Style Game

What’s Hot?

Another good way to set up your style is to take a look at what’s hot and then incorporate them into your look. If they’re hot, then they’re a hit — and if they’re a hit, then you’re going to look good. There are multiple ways you can add hits to your wardrobe. 

One way is to go “classic.” This WatchBox article outlines which watch brand is the most popular in various countries around the world. In the article, you’ll notice that the same names pop up again and again. Therefore, it may be worth checking out one of the brands.

Upgrade Clothing 

Another good way to upgrade your style is to upgrade the quality of your clothing. This makes a bigger difference than most people realize. You can take the same broad concept of an outfit yet have two different outcomes if one outfit was built using cheap clothes, and one was built with quality items. 

So moving forward, look at upgrading your clothing. You’ll have to spend slightly more than you usually do, but it’ll be worth it — you’ll look better and the clothes will last longer, so you’ll actually end up saving money. 

How to Step Up Your Style Game

Play Around 

Finally, take a look at just playing around with your clothing. Can you add some color, or mix styles? For example, recently I decided to play with a pastel color palette. These are definitely not my typical color hues, but it was nice to relax and try something new. 

Final Thoughts

Remember, your outfits don’t have to be so serious — and once you get a little adventurous, you’ll likely find that you stumble upon a look that really turns heads. And you’ll get the added bonus of knowing that the style is all yours, too. 


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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