Interesting, creative, and fun! I know. No, but seriously. You may recall in previous posts on the blog where I shared my experiences using The Book of Positive Aspects. If you are unfamiliar with those posts, here’s what you should know.
The Book of Positive Aspects is a concept introduced by Esther and Jerry Hicks in their teachings from the book, Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness by Ester and Jerry Hicks.
In essence, the Book of Positive Aspects is a journal or notebook where you write down positive aspects about any topic or situation that you want to improve. It could be your relationships, your career, your health, or anything else that matters to you.

My Book of Positive Aspects 2018
One experience that stands out to me from doing this many times was when I focused my thoughts and writing on going to Disney World. You will have to read that post to appreciate why and how this concept works.
It was utterly amazing how everything worked. I made it to Disney World and enjoyed all of the experiences that I journaled about – and, everything happened in a way that I would have never imagined.
Again, if you haven’t read it, please go back to those dusty archives and bad photos, and read about it. There are some actual gems back there.
Read it Here | Part 3| My Book of Positive Aspects 2018

The idea is to focus on the positive aspects of the situation, rather than the negative ones. By doing this, you shift your vibrational frequency to a more positive one, which attracts more positive experiences into your life.
For example, if you are having trouble in your career, you might start by writing down all the positive aspects of your job or your industry. This could include things like the skills you are developing, the connections you are making, or the opportunities for growth and advancement. It’s important to feel good while you are doing this each day and also keep everything written in the present tense.

How Long Does This Take?
Additionally, it is said to do this for approximately 15 days. At the time, I didn’t believe just 15 days would produce significant results, so I worked diligently for 30 days and yielded fantastic results. I believe that this portion all comes down to personal preference.
Whichever time frame you choose to do this, it’s imperative that you continue to focus on the positive aspects that you are writing and you will begin to notice more and more positive experiences.
This is because the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so when you focus on the positive aspects of a situation, you attract more positive experiences into your life.
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Strawberry-Themed Stationary for National Strawberry Month
If this is a concept that you would like to try, I would encourage you to simply choose a notebook that you adore and a pen that you enjoy writing with.
Since I am working on this during the month of May which is National Strawberry Month, I thought it made perfect sense to use a beautiful strawberry spiral notebook that I have been holding onto.
In addition to this, I found an adorable clear strawberry envelope to keep my pen and notebook together in. What better way to celebrate National Strawbery Month than by creating some positive aspects in beautiful strawberry-themed stationery?
For additional fondness, I also have some cute little strawberry stickers that I plan to sprinkle throughout my daily pages. Again, another way to feel great about what I intend to create and manifest.

Final Thoughts
I only plan to use the remaining days left in May for this particular notebook and manifestation process. I will certainly do a recap during the first week of June and note any progress from this round of the Book of Positive Aspects.
Again, the Book of Positive Aspects is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to improve their life and their overall well-being. By focusing on the positive aspects of your experiences, you can attract more positive experiences and create a life that is filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment.
Shopping Questions?
- Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness by Ester and Jerry Hicks, Amazon
- Strawberry Spiral Notebook, Dollar Tree | Similar Strawberry Notebook on Amazon
- Strawberry Envelope, Temu
- Exact Strawberry Stickers on Amazon