Our hands endure levels of daily wear and tear higher than other parts of the body. They are our tools – we use them to do manual labor, express ourselves during communication, subject them to harsh weather conditions and slather them with chemicals.
All of these actions can ravage our skin and nails, so here are some ways you can keep your hands looking young.
Screen From the Sun
Using a quality sunscreen with a high SPF is essential to protect your skin from sun damage. The skin on our hands is relatively thin and particularly vulnerable to premature aging.
It is known that the sun is responsible for 80% of skin changes associated with aging. The sun can also cause brown sun spots and irregular pigmentation to develop on the hands.
Nurture Your Nails
Neat and tidy nails will instantly make your hands look younger. Look after your fingernails by soaking them in warm water and olive oil at least once a week, massage oil into the cuticles, and use a nail treatment such as a strengthener to keep them in tip-top shape.
Make your fingernails look pretty by applying a tasteful shade of polish, or buy a French manicure kit in pink color to give your nails a chic, classic look.

Mounds of Moisturizer
Unlike facial skin, The skin on the hands does not possess many oil-producing sebaceous glands and is prone to dryness. Invest in a top-quality hand cream and apply it every night. Look for a cream that has ingredients such as hyaluronic acid to plump the skin and Emblica to lighten any brown pigment spots.
Massage the moisturizing cream into the hands and wear cotton gloves while you sleep so that the cream is absorbed thoroughly.
Essential Exfoliation
Sloughing off the dead skin cells with a gentle exfoliating serum will ensure that the moisturizing cream will absorb quickly and deeply into the skin on your hands.

Mitts on Your Mitts
To prevent your hands from suffering from premature aging, it is vital that you protect them by wearing gloves when in certain situations.
Wear gloves in extreme weather such as very sunny days and cold, windy winter days. If you are using chemicals such as harsh dishwashing soaps or household cleaners, wear protective rubber gloves.
A good hand cream full of emollients will offer some protection from damage if you don’t have access to gloves. Fatty lipids in the cream create a barrier that stops unwanted substances from entering the skin.
Pop to a Professional
If you already have some sun damage or your hands look worse for wear, you could consult a dermatologist.
Your dermatologist will discuss the best treatment for your needs. If brown spots are your bugbear, the dermatologist can use Intense Pulsed Light therapy to fade the spots and even out the skin’s pigmentation.
If you are of a certain age or have lost heaps of weight and have bony hands with prominent tendons and blood vessels, the dermatologist may recommend Restylane Lyft injections to plump out the skin and make the hands look smoother.
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