Noom Update 11.25.20

It’s official. I’m a Noomer. My 14 day trial is over and I made the plunge to commit to the entire six months. My, oh my. This is definitely going to be a journey. However, I am ready to make the necessary changes and just do it. My goal is a bit lofty, so I’m learning to be patient with myself and understand that this will be a while.

Here’s what helped influence my decision.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been able to recognize some of my not so great habits regarding food. I also came to the realization that my downfall is at night before bed. When I can’t go to sleep, I get up and eat. Not a great habit.

I’ve realized how much I was overeating throughout the day by simply not being mindful. For example, if I make something for breakfast and lunch at home, have a few snacks throughout the day and then grab a meal for dinner from Chick Fil A, then I’ve already eaten about two days worth of calories. From this, I can definitely see how I added on the extra weight over the past few months. 

Do More: Exercise

In addition to this, once the summer was over and fall arrived, I stopped doing my daily 5K walks. The weather got cooler and I just fell off the wagon. But, I’m happy to say that I’m slowly getting back to exercising. 

Most recently it has been just getting on the treadmill for 20 or 40 minutes. And, while it’s not my typical hour or 5K, it’s something. So, I am going to appreciate myself for doing what I can and just plan on doing better each day forward.

In doing all of this I am learning grace and to have compassion for myself, as I do with others. 

App Features and Courses

What I appreciate about the Noom app is that not only can I log my food and exercise, but I get check-in’s with my Noom coach to help me stay on track. It’s the accountability that I need. It’s not intrusive, but just enough. 

In addition to having my Noom coach, I’m actually being placed with my Supprt Group and Group Coach.

In addition to this, I look forward to spending about 9 minutes each day learning about the psychology of weight loss and how I’m wired. When you log in for the day, you have a few courses lined up in your day. The courses could be 1 minute or perhaps even 3 minutes. And, every few days or so, there’s a quiz or two to make sure that you are understanding the concepts that are being presented.

For example, over the past 14 days, I have graduated from Noom 101: Introduction to the Psychology of Weight Loss to Noom 102: Food Fundamentals. 

Last night, I started Noom 201: Mastering Motivation. I’m enjoying learning about the psychology of weight loss so that I can get this under control once and for all. This is definitely a lifestyle change.

Speaking of which, I also sent back my Noom DNA Weight Loss sample. Sometime over the next 4-6 weeks, I’ll learn what’s in my DNA regarding any weight issues I may have. All very good stuff to know.

I’m also still using my Balance One Probiotic. It’s been helpful and I can tell a difference in using it. I’m actually considering getting the Tumeric, as well. But, we’ll see. I don’t want to use too many supplements at one time.

But, have you lost any weight?

Oh, almost forgot the most important part. Have I lost any weight? The answer is – yes.

For the first week, I went up, down and then up again. But, remember date night with beer and frozen pizza? That’s why. 

This week has been better, however. I’ve been steadily going now, but not in large increments. These are small increments, as in less than a pound in change. 

But, that’s okay, because I’m not perfect and just getting started. Plus, I’m still battling with the late night snacking when I can’t sleep.

In my next update in a few weeks, I’ll post how many pounds I’ve lost. I don’t want to right now, because it’s still early and I want to make sure that it is weight that stays off. The next update will have put me on Noom for 30 days. So, that’s a good time to post an update. I’m looking forward to that post already. I want to be able to share a well deserved weight loss update.

Final Thoughts

Well, that’s about it with this Noom update. If you’re interested in trying it out for yourself or gifting it for someone close to you. Please, use my referral link here. It would mean a lot to me.

This post contains my Noom referral link.


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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