Our Lifebook Experience – Part 2

Read Our Lifebook Experience – Part 1 Here…

It’s been a week since we began our family project of creating our own Lifebooks based on the Mindvalley Masterclass I took a few weeks ago. And, let me tell you. This has not been an easy task, especially with my boys. What I thought would be an enjoyable project of having them create their ideal futures has turned into a hassle of a project. 

My Teenage Son

My teenage son has started on his and I am happy with his progress, but he said, “Mom, why can’t I just use my goal sheet that’s hanging up. Those are my goals and I know what I am working towards.” 

I get it and I really have nothing to say about it. Because honestly. He has his goals and he knows what he’s working on. He’s already a step ahead of many of his peers that lack goal-setting skills.

However, I would still like to see him complete the project on a more simplistic scale. This is what we will continue to push towards even if it takes longer than the initial plan.

One of the biggest reasons it will take longer is because he’s in the midst of basketball conditioning. In addition to this, he will be attending a weekend basketball shooting camp in a few weeks prior to tryouts. My personal goal for his Lifebook is to have some of those photos from the camp included in his Lifebook. 

I firmly believe that him seeing that he has done it and can continue to do it will be a great motivator towards him reaching his goals.  I really want him to feel like he’s on top of the world. 🙂

My Nine Year Old

On another note, while my teenage son is busy with basketball, my nine-year-old son is busy with football and football practice. On top of that, just yesterday he finally earned his AAA Safety Patrol belt that we’ve been working hard towards. 

Yes, “we”. Because it is “I” who gets up early every morning to make sure he is on time and ready for patrol duty. So, in the grand scheme of things, “we” earned our patrol belt. LOL. 

With all of that said, between school and his own personal interests, we have not started on his Lifebook.

We have certainly had meaningful conversations about it and he is looking forward to seeing his completed book but it’s something that is not likely yo happen until football season is over. And, that’s okay, too. There’s no hurry.

My Personal Progress

As for myself, I have been spending time thinking through the different areas of my life. I also broke down my personal mission statement that you can read from the first post. I took each statement and listed it under the 12 categories. From there I have just been writing more about what is important to me and why. 

For example, in the past, I would typically write in my Book of Positive Aspects and on my yearly vision board that, “I am a great mom and my boys are happy, healthy, and safe.” My statement was a concise affirmation statement that I felt was sufficient enough for the category of – let’s say, parenting. 

However, this project has pushed me to clearly write out my thoughts and goals on parenting in detail. What does being a great mom entail? How will I make sure that my boys are happy, healthy, and safe?”

My hope is to be finished with my personal Lifebook by the end of the month and have it bound together in a hardcover photo book. I feel that once the boys see mine, they will be a bit more inspired to continue working on theirs. 

Lastly, the 12 categories based on the Masterclass include the following:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Intellectual Life
  • Emotional Life
  • Character
  • Spiritual Life
  • Love Relationship
  • Parenting
  • Social LIfe
  • Financial Life
  • Career
  • Quality of LIfe
  • Life Vision

Final Thoughts

Really there are no real final thoughts here because everything is still a work in progress. All that I can tell you is to be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to work through your thoughts and feelings to create the best version of your Lifebook that you can create. 

This post contains affiliate links and first appeared 9/17/19.

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