Our Lifebook Experience – Part 1

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While searching for a new mediation video to enjoy on Youtube one evening, I came across another Mindvalley program ad. I typically sign up for these once a month and enjoy the one-hour sessions and bonuses that they provide. So, when I saw the ad for Designing Your Ultimate Life, I knew I wanted to watch it. 

I’m sure you know by now that I enjoy personal growth and development, so whenever something interesting catches my attention like this, I want to participate. 

As I watched the interview with Jon and Missy Butcher about creating a Lifebook to reach your ultimate goals, I grew excited to create my own based on my Personal Life Mission (below) that I created back in 2009.

But, I already knew I wanted to take things a step further. 

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I wanted to include my boys.

As a family we enjoy creating our yearly vision boards with goals and supporting each other as goals get completed. But, the idea of Lifebook, however, takes this to a whole new level of thinking and engagement. 

This is a project that we can work through together. 

I want my boys to grow and have a fulfilling life. I want them to have a vision for themselves so that they are not chasing a goal that someone else has for them. I want them to be aware of their thoughts and emotions. I want them to learn the universal laws and know how to apply them into their daily lives. 

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This project allows for this. 

As I am in the beginning phases of writing this post, I have not yet purchased the six week Lifebook course. Instead, I am taking what I learned from the Mindvalley free course, my research, and the past personal development foundation that I have to move forward with creating our own personal Lifebooks. 

Since my children are nine and 13, I do not feel the need to have them go so far into depth as I intend to go. However, I do want them to think about each of the 12 categories and create their visions for each category. 

My focus for my 8th grader is to have to envision the life he wants to live and create over the next five years. Within that five year span, he will be promoted from 8th grade, complete high school, and entering college. This is important to think about. 

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I want him to have a vision of what type of student he wants to be. 

I want him to have a vision for the type of athlete he wants to be, what awards he wants to receive, how he wants to spend his time over the summer preparing for high school and what kind of life does he intend to live while in high school. 

Will he be a student and/or carry a part-time job? How important is money to him during high school? Does he plan to date or have a steady relationship? Are stylish clothes and shoes important? Will school functions be important and to what extent?

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I know this sounds like a lot for an 8th grader, but really, it’s important. In my position as an Academic Advisor, I meet so many incoming freshmen that hated high school for various reasons. In addition, I hear so many stories of the struggles to stay inspired and motivated during their first year of college and so forth. 

So, if my child takes time to think about these aspects of his life now, he will have a more productive and enjoyable experience. Do you agree? 

I mean, a few evenings working on this is far better than letting him waste away on the new 2K game. Wouldn’t you agree?

For my nine-year-old, I’m keeping things pretty general for him, yet we will still approach each category in a very simplistic way. With him, however, my biggest question is, “why”. 

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Why are these things important to you? 

Knowing his why will keep him fueled for success. At least, that is my hope. 

Tonight we will begin our second discussion and begin to write about each of the 12 categories – in which I will post later in the week. 

As this post comes to a close today, I won’t be leaving you with any final thoughts because we are just getting started. But, I hope you’ll stick around to see the outcome over the next coming weeks. 

Check out Our Lifebook Experience – Part 2

This post contains affiliate links and first appeared 9/10/19.

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