Our Staycation Picnic + BIC FlameDisk Review

BIC FlameDisk Review

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Spring is almost here, and picnics and family staycations are in the air! Wouldn’t you agree? Well, in today’s post, I’m sharing a random picnic the boys and I had one day after school and work – along with a review of the BIC FlameDisk made for small, portable outdoor grills.

Our impromptu picnic is the perfect outing to include into your next family staycation.

BIC FlameDisk

The BIC FlameDisk is a small, grill flame disk that allows you to grill your food without the use of charcoal. Instead, it uses ethanol which is a renewable energy source. It’s quick and easy to use, as well as disposable.

But, before I get into more about the picnic and review, let’s talk about this pink grill. How adorable is this tiny, pink outdoor grill? I love it! I scored it at Target a few years back for about $20.

It was one of the best investments of the season, but I haven’t been able to find it around, again. So, if you are searching for something similar, Amazon always has something.

Feel free to shop for similar pink grills on Amazon. 

BIC FlameDisk Review
BIC FlameDisk Review

Our Random Picnic

As I said, we had this picnic after work one evening during the warmer months. Putting it together wasn’t much of a hassle since I always keep our outdoor items (mini grill, cooler, camping chairs, picnic blanket) in the back of my vehicle for impromptu moments like this.

What made this picnic even less of a hassle is that one day while out shopping prior to the picnic, I came across the BIC FlameDisk. I had never seen one before, but it looked extremely convenient, so I purchased two and put them in the back with the rest of the outdoor equipment.

BIC FlameDisk Review
BIC FlameDisk Review

So, when it was decided that we would go to the park, hang out, and have our picnic, the only thing I really had to do was run by the grocery store and grab a few grocery items – and, we were on our way.

And, that’s exactly how it happened.

BIC FlameDisk Review

Once we arrived to the park, we unloaded the outdoor equipment, and I began to check out how to use the BIC FlameDisk.

It was sooo easy.

All I had to do was unbox it, pull the top cover off, place it in the grill, and light it.

It was just that simple.

After allowing it to heat for about 4 minutes, I placed our little bitty ol’ turkey burgers on the grill and grilled them right on up. Grillin’ the burgers didn’t take long; perhaps 10 -15 minutes or so. As the burgers cooked, the boys played around on the playset, and I got the picnic table ready for us to eat.

BIC FlameDisk Review

As we ate, the BIC FlameDisk went out and eventually cooled. Once it was cool enough to pick up, I simply tossed it in the garbage. There was no cleanup for the inside of my grill, aside from the grill rack needing to be scraped off a bit.

Just so that you know, the BIC FlameDisk stays hot for 35-45 minutes and cools down in 5 minutes.

BIC FlameDisk Review
BIC FlameDisk Review
BIC FlameDisk Review

Final Thoughts

I was pleasantly surprised by the ease of using the disk. While it is not something that I plan to use on a regular basis, it is something I plan to keep during the warmer months for impromptu picnics like these.

Overall, everything came together perfectly. The weather was beautiful, the food was decent, and we captured cute, family staycation moments. 

Have you tried the BIC FlameDisk? What are your thoughts?

This is not a sponsored post. This post first appeared on the blog 3.7.2019.


  1. March 13, 2019 / 12:35 AM

    I have to try these! They look super easy to use and would store much better and take up less space than a bag of charcoal. Love that pink cooler and grill as well!

  2. Brennon
    March 13, 2019 / 9:48 AM

    Yes, you should try one! Very convenient.

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