Planner Love with the Tools4Wisdom Planner

Whenever I do a new About Me Instagram post, one thing that always stays the same is my love for a yearly planner. My dad first introduced me to planners when I was about 16 years old. His favorite was a sleek, full-size, black planner that opened to a full month for him to see the month at a glance. So for many years, I would always get him a planner for his Christmas gift because I knew I couldn’t go wrong. 

Experimenting with Planners

Over time, I started experimenting with the style of planner that I liked. For years it was a half-size, about 5×7. That size was just enough for me to carry around in my backpack or in my purse. 

As time continued, I experimented with a variety of planners, including but not limited to larger planners, a month-at-glance planners, tabbed planners, planners with stickers, memory planners, the Happy Planner, the Inspired Year Planner, Rae Dunn Planners, etc. I guess it really just depends on the season of life that I was in. 

Currently, I’m not into memory-making planners. Instead, I have a deep appreciation for planners that have enough space to allow me to not only plan but make notes and lists such as goal lists, inspirational quotes, gratitude lists, etc.

Tools4Wisdom Planner

I have found that with the Tools4Wisom planner, I can do that and so much more. In fact, I want to reference Stephen Covey’s second habit in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It states to “Begin With the End in Mind.”

From my perspective, it means to begin each day with a clear vision of your desired goal and then continue by taking inspired action and making things happen. 

With this habit in mind, I can use the Tools4Wisdom Planner as my tool to help me take massive action and make things happen.

Create a Well-Designed Life

What I love about this planner is that there are so many guided worksheets throughout the planner to help you set up your desired life. And, if you have been following along on my Lifebook journey, you will come to notice that I have an affinity for creating a well-designed life. Other details that I appreciate are the stickers in the back of the planner, the hardbound gorgeous cover, and the tabbed months. 


If you are interested in having a great planning tool at your fingertips while you plan and create your ideal year ahead, definitely check out the planners from Tools4Wisdom. They come in a variety of designs and can easily be found on Amazon

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