Review: FujiFilm Quick Snap Waterproof Disposable Camera with 27 Exposures

Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera

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A few weeks ago, I purchased a FujiFilm Quick Snap Waterproof Disposable Camera to have some outdoor, water fun with my six-year old. There was no way, I was going to risk using my phone, Canon, or Sony Cybershot in the pool or at the water park. So, I knew a disposable waterproof camera was the way to go.

Personal Expectations

Since, I purchased this camera to just have some outdoor, water fun with my son this summer, I was not expecting “Canon Digital Camera 50MM Lens” quality photos.

I was expecting a disposable camera that was able to stay in tact and take clear photos while being in the water and that’s exactly what we got.

Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera
Fuji Waterproof Camera

To Operate

To operate the camera, you simple point where you want to shoot and gently push the lever down.

When you push the over-sized shutter release lever down, there is no sound, so pay attention because you really are taking a photo.

Once you have taken the photo, simply wind the exposure knob until you can’t wind it anymore. You are then ready to take the next photo.

Keep in Mind…

We had no problems using the camera underwater, which is where we took most of our photos. Keep in mind it is a little challenging to take photos underwater unless you have on goggles.

We took mostly selfies which is not exactly recommended – but worked!

Directions indicate photos should be taken at least three feet away, but our photos still turned out pretty good.

Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera
Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera

Camera Features

Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera


  • Easy (especially for my six-year old)
  • Affordable (Less than $10)


  • There is no flash. So, you need bright and natural light.
  • There is no zoom lens.
  • Film processing is now expensive and has to be sent away which could take at least a week to be returned. Expect to spend about $15.

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Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera

3 Reasons to Love this Waterproof Camera

#1) It is affordable and cost less than $10.

#2) It is easy to operate for both, children and adults.

#3) The photo quality is commendable.


Yes, I would recommend this FujiFilm Quick Snap Waterproof Disposable Camera. It is affordable (with the exception of processing) and easy to use. Keep in mind that this is a disposable camera with no flash, so adjust your personal expectations.

However, if a disposable camera is not your thing, you can always consider the Fuji Waterproof Digital Camera.

This post first appeared on Just Brennon 7.16.17 and contains affiliate links to products I recommend. 

Fuji Disposable Waterproof Camera


  1. July 17, 2017 / 3:14 PM

    These are such fun photos! It’s such a good idea so you don’t have to risk damaging your phone.

  2. Brennon
    July 17, 2017 / 3:17 PM

    Thanks! I was nervous because so many people were disappointed with their photos. But, I am really happy with how ours turned out! 🙂

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