Schollege: Social Media Marketing Made Simple, Check It Out!

As a lifelong learner, I feel that it is very important for people to be proactive and take responsibility for their personal and professional development, especially when things can change so quickly especially social media for business.

In the past, on the blog I have shared various personal and professional development training that I have completed such as my Lifebook with MindValley, a free masterclass that helps you design your ultimate life.

Additionally, I have shared posts such as 4 Resources to Up Your Blogging Game for Under $10 to encourage bloggers and readers to upskill themselves.

So, as you can see, I take personal and professional development pretty series.

With all of this in mind, I want to share one of the most recent online professional development courses that I have completed called Social Media Marketing Made Simple by Schollege. 

The course is designed to help you learn social media for your business. Learn more from this website or keep reading about the course.

What’s My Purpose for Taking This Course?

Before I talk about Schollege, I want to share why I chose to take this course. For starters, social media is extremely important when it comes to business. A few years ago, social media was “simply nice to have”. Now it’s almost mandatory. 

Newbies can learn more tips on planning to start a light business with a small investment from this article from Ted Hickman.

People are on social media for hours a day. It’s included in people’s daily routine as a way to communicate with others, shop, find things to do, and check the news. 

Knowing this, it’s important that I stay on top of social media trends; not only for my blog and NewsBreak, but for my professional position, as well, where I run our Instagram page. 

Social Media Marketing Made Simple

The Social Media Marketing Made Simple course captured my attention for all of the reasons above. And, while I have knowledge of social media and social media marketing, there is always more to learn. 

In this quick course, you will cover plenty of social media basics and tips to get you working efficiently on social media.

I appreciate that the course was quick and incorporated video learning, but what I certainly appreciated was the downloadable e-book that’s also included. 

From my perspective, this course is great for those who are new to social media and social media marketing. It’s also a gem for those looking for a quick way to refresh themselves with marketing options that are out there online.

And, if you are looking for a certification or diploma, this course offers that. The Social Media Marketing Diploma that is awarded is accredited by the Australian Qualifications Framework and the Australian Skills Quality Authority Standards for vocational education and training Accredited Courses.

If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, go ahead and check it out on  Schollege.

What is Schollege?

If you are unfamiliar with Schollege, Schollege is an eLearning certification and training platform, offering a friendly learning environment with high-quality courses based out of Australia. 

They focus on empowering their course attendees by providing the necessary information and knowledge to help reach their goals – which is exactly what taking this Social Media Marketing Made Simple course has done for me while working from home.

Just remember, that if you are working an online business, it’s important to keep track of your books and accounting. I had to learn this the hard way. If you need help, check out

Final Thoughts

Finally, while I am only sharing my perspective on Social Media Marketing Made Simple, Schollege offers a variety of other courses such as the Certified Instagram Marketing Professional and Certified LinkedIn Marketing Professional in which I plan to take which are all CPD Accredited.

I’ll be posting again soon with the details on the other courses that I take. In the meantime, save and share this collaborative post. 

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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

Posts may contain affiliate links which means, I’ll earn a commission if you shop through them which keeps this site running. This does not affect the price you pay. I appreciate your support and only link to products I personally use and love! Please, visit my Disclosure page for more information.

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