Teaching Children to Thrive as They Grow

When you first become a mom, life changes completely. And, for the mamas reading this, I’m sure that you can relate.  It can feel like you are just in survival mode as you adjust to becoming a parent and all that life entails with a little one. 

However, when you understand a little more of what you are doing and establishing more of a routine, you can feel much more like you are thriving in your role. But, don’t forget that the child needs to be considered, as well. 

With this in mind, the question is: Are they thriving as they grow or just surviving? 

Below are some of the things we as parents can do to make sure that we can help our children to thrive.


Model the Behavior That You Want

If you are thinking about your child and how you want them to thrive, then you should show them just how to do that. Wouldn’t you agree?

If they see that you are constantly rushing around and not really thriving or enjoying life, then it is behavior that they will come to mimic. And, we don’t want that. 

And, I’m not saying that you need to have a perfect life or perfect relationship to show this, but some stability in their life can make a big difference. So, why not make an effort and be intentional to be a good role model, because the truth is, children soak in all that they see from us, whether it is good or bad.

Don’t Ignore Problematic Signs

Children do all grow and develop at different rates, but if you have any concerns or are seeing some signs that there may be a problem, then don’t dismiss it. 

It is important to make sure that you are aware of what is going on with them and checking in if there appears to be any issues. Speak to your doctor, or even consider pediatric therapy if there are some signs that your child may need help. From speech therapy to feeding therapy, there can be different things that can help them to thrive, if needed. 

Be Active

It is so important for children to be active and to get outdoors and exercise as much as possible. It helps to develop in a number of ways, as well as helps them with their confidence and self-esteem. 

When they feel like they are achieving something, then it really makes a difference to them and helps them to thrive. Just as you should model behavior that you want to see, if you want to encourage them to be active, then it needs to be something that you are doing too. 

Family fun

Foster Positive Relationships

By teaching your child the value of work and to respect their friends and family members, it helps greatly to establish positive and healthy relationship patterns later in life. This is actually listed in my Lifebook because it is something that I truly value.

By teaching children in an age-appropriate way how to love, be kind, nurture, and be compassionate is something that can help them to be able to deal with the different responsibilities that come with life and their different relationships. Again, this is something that can also be modeled by you. If you’re not good at this, then it is important that you learn to be, in order to help to teach your children. 

Final Thoughts

While there are so many more things that we can teach our children on how to thrive, this is just a short list to get the wheels turning. What is something that is not listed here that you are working on to help your children thrive?


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Just Brennon Blog is a 40s-something travel and lifestyle blog. I’m passionate about unique travel experiences and empowering people to thrive and create lives that they love! 

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