Toddler Pit Stop | KidsVille Playground, Cornersville, TN 

While on a recent road trip to Florida, we stumbled upon a hidden gem, KidsVille Playground. After driving for about seven hours, I knew it was time to find a place to let my toddler get out, stretch, run around, and have some fun before we continued with the second half of our very long road trip. 

As soon as I said that, the Universe put in my direct path a billboard that said, “KidsVille” next exit. From the logo, it looked promising and I was interested. 

We immediately took the next exit, headed down .6 miles, and pulled right into the parking lot.

It was a colorful outdoor space for putt-putt golf and a fire truck in the parking lot. There were also several cars in the parking lot. It wasn’t far off the highway and was on the same road as gas stations and McDonald’s, so it seemed like a safe stop. So, we parked our rental car and ran in for additional information to see if this would be a viable stop. 

And, let me tell you. It was!

KidsVille Playground, Cornersville, TN 

First things first. KidsVille Playground is located at 2404 KidsVille Way in Cornersville, TN. Admission is $7 and $14 depending on your age.

Just like of you were at a trampoline park, you must complete a waiver and have a pair of socks. If you do not have socks, you can buy a pair for about $3. On this trip, I knew that I wouldn’t be wearing socks, so I did end up having to purchase socks, but they were super adorable and made for a fantastic souvenir. 

Upon entering, the lobby was filled with fun and colorful toys, candy, and trinkets. Had I had my camera (not phone), it would have made for adorable photos. There’s also a snack counter that sells pizza, drinks, etc. 

I want to also note that the teens/young adults at the counter were friendly and didn’t mind answering the ton of questions I had. (Thanks, y’all!)

Once you have paid and completed the waiver, they buzz the door open and you can enter the playground to play. 

There is a cubby section with a large seat for you to get settled and hold your belongings and the restroom. 

Check out other things to do in the Cornersville area.

Let the Fun Begin!

From there, you journey into a massive size padded playground with two tiers and an amazing variety of slides and everything else. 

I walked though with my daughter and she found her happy place on one of the bottom floors with a giant light bright board, a padded carousel, a few cars, and slides. She also had a lot of fun running around with other children her age.

I let her play her heart out for about 30 minutes before picking her up to head back to the car. 

Exiting with her was extremely strategic because I knew she would want to just leave voluntarily. If you have toddlers, you know that leaving a fun place can be a bit chaotic at times.

So, I grabbed her shoes and changed into my shoes while my oldest son watched her. Then I had him go and pick her up and hand her to me, as we swiftly walked out encouraging her that it was time for a juice. Whew! It worked! 

Once we got to the rental car, I got her settled, asked if she liked playing and got her juice. She didn’t cry or fuss and was very pleasant as we headed down the road for about another half an hour to Buck-ee’s in Athens, Alabama. 

Final Thoughts 

My thoughts on Buck-ee’s is coming soon. In the meantime, I believe that stopping at KidsVille was one of the best decisions of our road trip. It gave my toddler some time out of her car seat to have fun, run and play. It also gave me a much needed break from the road to recharge, have a few laughs and appreciate the beautiful summer road-trip with my children. 

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. Those KidsVille people don’t know us from a can of paint. Ha! But, I may have added in a few affiliate links to other things to do. 

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