Working from Home: How to Protect Your Eyesight

6 Budget-Friendly Accessories That'll Boost Your Look

Whether your career naturally revolves around a home office or working from home has recently become your new normal, keeping your vision in tip top condition is a must.

Out of the five basic senses, the sense of sight is arguably the most important—it is also the one that is easy to neglect. Be proactive and follow these steps to keep your eyes healthy.

Position Your Screen

If your work consists of staring at a computer for long periods of time, then make sure your screen is in the best possible position. Your screen should be positioned a few inches below your natural sight line and at an arm’s length away from your face.

If you find yourself edging closer towards your screen as the day goes on, adjusting the font size could be the answer. This could reduce your urge to lean forward and will stop you from squinting as you try to read the small text.

Use Protective Eyewear

Looking at a digital screen for a prolonged period can heighten your exposure to blue light, which could lead to damaged retinas and eye strain. Too much blue light can also have a negative effect on your sleep pattern, for this reason you should avoid looking at a screen two to three hours before bed.

However, when working from home it can be difficult to switch off work mode and many people like to browse the internet before settling down. To combat this issue, invest in a pair of glasses specifically designed for computer use. offer a selection of computer glasses which are designed with UV blocking protection and are anti-glare and anti-fatigue. They also double as reading glasses and are available in strengths from +0.00 up to +3.50.

Light Up Your Area

The condition of your designated home office space can have a huge impact on your eye health and an important aspect is lighting. Working in a well-lit area with natural light can help reduce eye fatigue and also improve your mood.

Although, you should bear in mind that working in direct sunlight or in an environment that is too bright can cause headaches and migraines. When it comes to lighting, balance is key.

20-20-20 Rule

Studies show that refocusing your attention away from the screen momentarily can protect you from computer related eye issues. It can be difficult to remember to do this when you are in the zone and that is where the 20-20-20 rule comes in handy. By looking at an object 20 feet away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds, you can reduce eye strain, blurred vision and dry eyes.

Take a break

Besides the 20-20-20 rule, scheduling in an actual break can have an enormous effect on your eyesight and your general wellbeing. Without the usual office distractions, it can be difficult to tear yourself away from the desk, but a quick 15 minute break can work wonders.

When you are taking a break, try to prevent yourself from looking at a screen. Instead, stretch your legs and go outside for some fresh air. This quick breather can refresh your mind and give you a much needed break.

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