We’re at the start of a new year and a new decade. So, it’s a pretty good time to make some major changes in your life and improve your existence in general. Wouldn’t you agree?
Many people will make new year’s resolutions to kick bad habits such as quitting smoking, drinking, or another issue like nail biting. Others may try to implement a healthy change in their life such as aiming to eat healthier meals, going vegetarian or vegan for a month, or heading to the gym, for example.
But, instead of the new year resolution roller coaster, why not commit to simply facing your fears? For many of us, fears hold us back in life. We don’t end up doing things we could be doing because we’re worried about the potential outcome or result.
2020 is the year that this can change! In my Dad’s voice…
“Face your fears and let’s go!”

Let’s start out by discussing tackling phobias. Phobias are fears that can quickly come to dominate your life. They’re generally irrational and can cause symptoms of sudden and extreme panic, fear, and anxiety.
People will often avoid certain places, situations, and struggle with day to day life due to phobias. But the truth is, you really don’t need to live this way! While facing a phobia can be daunting, there are steps you can take to ease the process and help yourself to get over this issue safely and healthily.
Generally speaking, it’s best to speak to a doctor about overcoming your phobias. They may be able to offer therapy which will help you to understand your fears and move beyond them.
Exposure therapy is a common solution, introducing you to your fear in a controlled environment, or offering a solution to ease your panic and worry. If you’re scared of the dentist, you may be able to find help in sleeping through your next dental appointment. If you’re scared of heights, you may be able to cope better with your fear when exposed to heights while safely strapped into a harness or other equipment that stabilizes you and ensures you can’t fall.

Fear of Failure
Another thing that holds many of us back is a fear of failure. We’ll often avoid doing something or refuse to engage with something simply because we worry that it won’t work out, that things will backfire, or that we will be rejected and face embarrassment.
This can apply to all sorts of areas in life, ranging from searching for a new job, to making a first move towards a romantic relationship, or trying a new hobby.
The truth is, sometimes things won’t work out in these areas. Sometimes things might backfire. Sometimes we will land ourselves in embarrassing situations. But it’s better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all!
You can’t spend your life wondering “what if”. If you try – you know the answer. Your plan worked out or it didn’t. If it didn’t, you can improve and try again or at least change onto another path that may be better suited to you.

Often, when we fear facing something, we will procrastinate. Who can relate? So this is the year to stop procrastinating!
As the old saying goes, procrastination is the thief of time and you may find that you end up wasting hours, days, weeks, or even months and years of your life because you’re putting off doing something that worries or concerns you, or it could simply be something that places a lot of pressure on you.
But at the end of the day, you’re probably going to have to do or face whatever it is you’re avoiding at some point or another and in most cases, getting things done is better sooner rather than later.

Seek Support
Whatever fear you’re facing, whether that’s a generalized fear or a more specific issue, remember there are bound to be plenty of other people facing the same concerns and worries out there.
Never feel isolated or alone. Reach out to others in whatever means you feel comfortable with. This could include discussing fears with family and friends, a support group, a helpline, or a medical professional.
It’s said that a worry shared is a worry halved – so half your worries by discussing them!
Fears are nothing to be ashamed of and talking can really help!

Consult a Doctor
Common fears and feelings of fear shouldn’t be mixed up with mental health disorders. There are a number of mental health conditions that can come hand in hand with feelings of fear that are neither logical nor useful in any way, shape, or form.
Anxiety disorders, like generalized anxiety disorder or OCD, and other conditions can cause panic attacks or are general sense of foreboding that can have a profoundly detrimental impact on your day to day life.
If you are concerned that you are suffering from a mental health condition, consult a doctor.
They’ll be able to officially diagnose any issue and set you on the right path. This could include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. These should help to reduce unnecessary symptoms of these conditions and reduce feelings of panicked fear in your life.

Final Thoughts
These are just a few areas of your life that you might want to focus on if you decide to face your fears in this upcoming year, alongside some useful pieces of advice that can help you along the way.
2020 should be a positive start to the decade and removing common fears from your life can help you to live a more fulfilled, relaxed, and enjoyable day to day existence. It can also pose new opportunities for you, helping you to move forward and feel a sense of progression and achievement too!
So, now’s the best time to get started! Cheers to a wonderful 2020!