My 2024 Year in Review: Quarter 3

Quarter 3 was an interesting mix of emotions, personal and professional growth, and life experiences. As summer came to a close, I took a deep dive into expanding my capacity to lead by spending a week in Chicago at the NACE Management Institute. While there I met amazing people, learned a great deal, and was able to check off a few experiences that have been on my bucket list for a while such as having afternoon tea at the London House and visiting the American Writers Museum. 

You May Enjoy | Summer Micro-Adventures

Additionally, my youngest son began his first year as a high school freshman and my oldest son began his first year as a college student. I am so grateful that they are progressing in their lives and education. 

Now, without further adieu, let’s scroll through some highlights and lived experiences of Quarter 3 in 2024. 

Don’t forget to check out Quarter 2

July 2024

  • Although it was still summer, the majority of my energy was invested in professional development opportunities. I attended the NACE Management Leadership Institute in Chicago and was nominated president of our career services state-wide commission. I must say that All of this was a very BIG deal. 
  • Partnerships included Amazon product reviews and Newair home appliances. 

August 2024

  • August brought about several school adjustments with the boys and two of my children had birthdays
  • My oldest son began his first semester in college and received his passport for an upcoming study abroad program, visiting Costa Rica for a 10-day experience.
  • On the day that my son’s passport arrived, I drove off the lot with my “new to me” SUV. 
  • During this time, my commitment to Just Brennon Blog slowed down a great deal due to my professional life kicking into high gear. While I am grateful for the experience to expand my capacity to learn and develop, I do not ever want to neglect my blog, again.  

September 2024

  • Professionally my work calendar was full and I was proud of Career Services hosting a disability series webinar over three days. 

It’s also important to note that we did not embark on any big travel adventures during this time, instead, we opted for local micro-adventures as we all had to settle into new routines and commitments. Not only that, it was important to me to sit still so that I could save and pay for my son’s study abroad experience. 

You May Enjoy | Picking Blueberries at Driving Wind Berry Farm, Indianapolis, Indiana 

Final Thoughts

Thinking back, things that I would change during this quarter include exercising, drinking more water, getting my hair, nails, and toes done regularly, and being more intentional with my blog, even if that meant only posting once per week. Outside of this, life was swell.

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